Piper was used to her brother's tendency to hold his own thoughts at a higher priority than human interactions, and so their mutual silence of several minutes was not uncomfortable. It last until the realized where Morgan's eyes, unfocused and distant as they were, rested. She smirks and reaches over to jab his ribs with one finger. [color=darkslategray]"Stare a little harder, she's bound to notice eventually."[/color] [color=silver]"Wha?"[/color] came his ever so eloquent reply as his eyes focused again. Just as Kiara turned towards the two of them. [color=ed1c24]“Morgie!!” [/color]Kiara chirped as she approached Morgan and his sister, causing her grin to turn all the more wicked and his cheeks to redden slightly as he glances away. Morgan crosses his arms in front of him, using one hand to pull his scarf up a little in an attempt to hide the color. [color=silver]"Hey, Kiara. This is my sister, Piper, and-"[/color] [color=darkslategray]"And he'd love to dance with you,"[/color] Piper interjects, lightly shoving her brother toward Kiara. He stumbles, barely catching himself in time to not run up against the other first year. [color=darkslategray]"Go on, we can catch up later. You haven't been gone that long anyway. Have fun!"[/color] she says, turning to walk towards the rest of the crowd with a wave, perhaps to find her own partner. Morgan watches her leave, realizing he'd have to figure out how to get back at her later. [color=silver]"Um... Well then..."[/color] he says lamely, suddenly unable to muster his thoughts in light of the swift turn of events. [color=silver]"Let's... dance? I guess?"[/color]