[center][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/65f6/i/2014/143/0/8/messy_hair_by_fukari-d7jegqo.jpg[/img] [color=LightSkyBlue][b]"[i]Don't lose yourself in your fear.[/i]"[/b][/color][/center] [i][b]Name:[/b] Hana Kiyomizu [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Power:[/b] Emphatic Psychic Powers [b]Symbol:[/b] Sheep [b]Bio:[/b] Hana Kiyomizu was well treated and well loved by her single mother. Her father had left them when Hana was young, the father had fallen in love with someone else. Her mother took it fairly well, same with Hana. Her father and mother are still buddies and hang out once in awhile but overall, Hana didnt go through traumatizing events and such she enjoyed every bit of her memories. Hana might seem rude with her outfit choices and makeup but shes sweet and loves making jokes and messing with others. Shes a bit honest in a sense and sometimes takes a joke a bit too far. In the end, if shes taken a liking to you she'll follow you around like a lost puppy.[/i]