[color=lightgreen][center][h1]Elena Reese[/h1][/center][/color] [center][h1]Star Bucks Twenty Blocks From the Glendale Campus, Los Angeles California.[/h1][/center] As Elena drove down the street she could easily feel the heat in her car getting much higher even for California summer it was getting extremely stuffy in there. She closed the windows to her car so that the hot air wouldn't get in as much and turned the AC up as high as it could and turned on the radio. There was a sudden news report of something happening at Disney World apparently some floats caught on fire as well as some guests and staff fainting from heat exhaustion. The drive wasn't that far from campus or even her own apartment she eventually made it to the Star Bucks she usually frequented during either breaks in classes or just a quick meal to get. Elena found an open parking spot and slowly parked her car, the moment she got out Elena could feel the heat and started to wipe away some of the sweat on her face. Elena quickly walked inside seeing several people had already come inside to just get out of the heat, she headed over towards the cashier when it was her turn. "I'll have a coffee, and a turkey sandwich please." The cashier nodded as they quickly put in the order when they made it Elena paid for her meal and walked over towards an empty table and sat down opening a newspaper that someone had just left there. Elena rolled her eyes as more of the Bennet Act was on there. The news was getting boring about it but knew that it was more of a threat to her, and she would have to keep her abilities a secret from everyone. [@Vicier][@pockets]