Raven looked about quickly, trying to make sure that everyone managed to run it out of there, and cursed when he realized not all had made it out. A disaster of larger proportions that he really did not want to deal with at this time. However, as Vana turned to run Raven made to follow, as there was still a chance to catch some of the mages who had escaped the other way. Hopefully he was not too late as he chased Vana, who turned a corner and came upon Nataly and Ling who were dispatching of the shadow. The shadow that Ling had shoved back, and fired her crossbow met its mark into the shadow, causing the creature to stumble backwards stunned from the sudden outburst. Then the shards of ice slammed into the creature causing it to fade off into dust in front of the mages. "Not....bad." Raven said as he ran onward to the mages to look about. "Though, where is the mage behind them?" Though after saying that, they were greeted by the wall smashed down by the mages who had still sat inside. [hr] Meanwhile, the mages inside had no intention of following the others out the front entrance, considering it a bad idea to chase those who would pose the biggest threat. With her one good hand, an explosive wave of fire was used to blast a hole open in a wall, and the renegade mages began to make their escape. The man of earth kept the tail being likely the slowest and best equipped in keeping any chasing individuals off of them. As they began moving out of the burning bar, they moved into the back of the bar ripping apart the wall in the meantime. They happened upon the mages Ling and Nataly. The stone mage regarded the mages that they had come upon for a moment, with Raven making his way forward as well. "Mages, let us....ignore this little transgression. You turn around, forget you saw us, and we do the same. Alright?" The stone mage rumbled, with the fire mage having more fire in her eyes, but having an eye out for apparently someone else, with the ice mage just helping the woman of fire go along. They were intending to get away from the burning bar and wander off into the night. [hr] The rest of the town was either in the process of waking up to knowing that the bar was on fire, or was in the process of trying to escape the said fire screaming "MAGICS!" or "WITCHES!" or other such curses. That meant that the mages who had gone out the front entrance were drawing a bit of a crowd. "Goddamned blazes going on out here? What happened to the bar?" A half awake, slightly armored guard shouted, with an axe pulled out and only wearing a breastplate that had been hastily thrown on. It was obvious that this was not a good time for him, nor most of the town as they came with bows, knives, and whatever else as the bar was already written off as a lost cause with the flames quickly taking over whatever it wanted.