[quote=@iotas] Colmaz filled them in on Sssvalian's deal. "So... What do you think? I'd obviously not prefer to be a servant to a terrifying elder dragon, but I'd like to get your opinions first." [/quote] Garas and the water priestess seemed to think it over. "Well, I can't deny that Sssalivan is powerful beyond measure, the human army that Lord Morias will send will probably be killed without our or the garrison's help..." he says considering it. "I think... we should join the winning side(Sssalivan)." Garas says, slightly afraid. The Water Priestess simply sighed and said. "I'll do whatever you guys want to do..." [quote=@Simple Unicycle] [@Claw2k11] Connor nods, grabbing one of the blades in the room that looked powerful. "We'll stay here until those farkers are gone, or at least until we think they're gone." [/quote] He grabbed a blood red sword, brimming with some sort of energy. "That sword seems... familliar." the high elf says lightly touching the sword. "I swear I've seen it before." "Boss, don't want to interrupt your bonding, but after we get out of here, what do we do then?"