The magic mirror wrapped the chain around the book, nodding at Li’s succinct summation of the book as he reached to pull a desk drawer open, before carefully sticking the book in. Some things were better left relatively untouched. Briefly, Orin wondered if the evil queen may have known of a sniffer or two, kept them recorded in some leather bound notebook somewhere. Possible, but it had been too long. Giving the dutiful student a curt nod, “Come again, with as many members of the disciplinary committee, the nice strict rule keeping sort…so long as you have the bring the right permits for the right books.” With that, there was a polite wave, before a hand was reached over to check his cloth and tin of polish, gaze just flickering up to the other students leaving. There was a vague note kept in the back of his mind, that they had taken the book with them…he hadn’t lied, the mirror couldn’t. If understanding of theory had been raised to even a near prodigious level…words, symbols, reagents…they were not entirely necessary anymore. Tapping the reflection twice with the barest hint of magic, and leaning on an arm, he paused to consider who in the past...peering down at the blurry reflection upon the desk, "Mirror mirror, may I see...?" The reflection started to become much less distorted, but the person on the other side...they just about caught sight of him before he quickly raked his nails over it, the image distorted before disappearing altogether, and all that was left as the scratched surface of this wooden desk. Bringing a hand up, examining it close to his eyes, some of the brownish wax had gotten under his nails. Reaching over to the polishing cloth, he got to work cleaning it up, and polishing the scratches out.