[@Universorum]Totally! The more the merrier. :sun ~~~~ [hider=Claire][center][url=http://animerenderss.deviantart.com/art/Anime-Girl-Render-9-385500354][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/199f/f/2013/195/0/5/anime_girl_render_9_by_animerenderss-d6dilz6.png[/img][/url][/center] [i][color=slateblue][h3]"Call me bird brained again and I'll turn you into a McFlurry!"[/h3][/color][/i] Username: [color=slateblue]Nibnib[/color] Name: [color=slateblue]Claire[/color] Age: [color=slateblue]22[/color] Gender: [color=slateblue]Female[/color] Main: [color=slateblue]Anivia[/color] [b][color=slateblue]Appearance[/color][/b]: Claire stands at 5' 4" and possesses a modest physique. [b][color=slateblue]True Appearance[/color][/b]: Crystallized ice wings sprout abruptly from her back of which she can use prana to fly for a limited period of time. In her true state, her spells are more destructive and have a larger area of effect. However, she requires more focus to cast these devastating spells. [b] [color=slateblue]Powers[/color][/b]: [indent][color=slateblue]Rebirth (Passive)[/color]: Upon death, Claire is encased in ice. Prana fills up inside of the small ice fort which repairs any major damage done to her and brings her back into consciousness. Unfortunately, this consumes all remaining prana and therefore renders her unable to cast anymore spells unless she retreats and recharges. Due to the amount of concentration and energy needed to invest in this spell, Claire needs some time to recharge this spell. She is still vulnerable while in this state. [color=slateblue]Flash Frost[/color]: Claire can launch an orb of ice at a location she so chooses. Wherever it detonates, it temporarily encases the location in a coat of ice. If it detonates on a person, then that person is temporarily encased in frost at a certain location of their body, depending on where the spell hits. [color=slateblue]Crystallize[/color]: A wall of ice sprouts at a location within close proximity to Claire. While in true form, she may cast this spell consecutively in order to hamper enemy movement however, she may only create three at a time. [color=slateblue]Chilled Ice[/color]: Ice bombards an person, hampering their movement. If the person is affected by frost, then the ice detonates upon impact and smaller shards of ice impale themselves into the frosted area. [color=slateblue]Glacial Storm[/color]: Claire can create a blizzard at a location. Fierce winds and ice in the air can freeze the area. In true form, the area of effect of this spell is vastly increased. So as long as Claire can focus and has sufficient amounts or prana, she can maintain this spell. If she happens to break focus or run out of prana, then the blizzard dissipates. She can break the spell at any time.[/indent] [b][color=slateblue]Personality[/color][/b]: Although she may look cold and unapproachable, Claire is kind and is great at reading other people. She possesses a imaginative mind that is also curious, acts aloof most of the time, and is motivated to take on any challenges to come her way. Claire recognizes the value of cooperation and interaction within society. She likes having friends and being around others, however, should she feel threatened or emotionally overwhelmed, she'll withdraw into herself and abruptly cease contact with others for a short period of time. Her other hobbies include free writing, horoscopes, reading, watching anime, and having deep discussions with others. [b][color=slateblue]Short Biography[/color][/b]: Claire currently attends college within the city and also holds a job as a waitress at a local restaurant. She currently retains excellent academic standing within her classes and lives in a small apartment by herself. She's lived in the town for a considerable amount of time while the rest of her family lives in Florida. Her aunt lives in Seattle and is currently the closest relative to her as far as location goes. Claire first got into league when a friend showcased the game to her and instantly fell in love with the mages that inhabited the mid lane. By far, she performs best with Anivia and often finds herself carrying the team in the later phase of the game or dealing catastrophic amounts of damage to the enemy team. [indent]Pain was all she could feel. Claire was hunched over on her bed, gasping and ready to pass out at the tearing sensation in her back. She panicked as she asked herself what was wrong. She was unable to answer herself but the pain seemed to cease all of a sudden, yet it felt like something was there. Claire felt weak and her head was throbbing, but she got up and stumbled over to the bathroom. Examining herself in the mirror, she realized her favorite onesie was torn apart and was held together by a mere thread. The next thing she noticed were the large blue wings that had blossomed from her back and the bluish frost that covered her arms and hands like long dress gloves. She looked out into the small apartment which had been turned into her very own winter wonderland. Oddly enough, she didn't feel cold at all but she felt at ease with everything being frozen around her. The next moment, she passed out from exhaustion and awoke the next morning on the cold tiles of the bathroom with her apartment looking as it usually did. The only proof of that night's events was her destroyed onesie and the wings that were wrapped around her which already felt as if they had always been there. [/indent] [i]In her now transformed world, the only thing that would help her find peace is if everything was frozen over. . .[/i] [/hider]