Silently following behind Duela's group, John kept to himself as the ragtag team made their way down to the Brook, past the station and towards the forest. There, Duela stopped and they convened for another strategy meeting. It was the dead of night, and silence reigned as the group whispered plans back and forth. Cassandra brought forth a map of the surrounding area, as faded as it was, and suggestions of stealthy approaches and scouting parties were brought up multiple times. Throughout all this, John kept silent, agreeing with all points brought up with simple nods. What they were suggesting was complicated though; with no means of rapid communication like walkie talkies or even a light, passing on information would be extremely difficult if they were to scout ahead and their scouts were caught off-guard. [color=gray]"What about we go in pairs? It would be much safer, and if on the off chance that any one of us were to be detected by a guard, we'd have at least one runner to come back this way to spread the word. We could have the bulk of the group stay here to rest while a small scouting party goes off to do their thing. Maybe Cassandra should go, since she has a book and a pen to note down everything she sees. Her and someone else small and light would be a good team."[/color] John sat with his rifle slung on his back, its bayonet shining silver death in the pale moonlight. With a weary hand he grabbed the blade and slowly twisted it off the barrel, contemplating its sharp length while he waited for a response.