[center][color=#81F7F3][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjdmZDRlMS5SMlZ5WVhKa0lGZGxjM1EsLjA,/corner-dark.regular.png[/img][/color] [img] http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbuesqBeg31qjuhv5.gif[/img] Location: Astronomy Club -> Martial Arts club -> Cafeteria Time: Half time of Lunch. Interacting with: Anyone within Astronomy club, Everett [@AcerRo] text. [/center] [hr][hr] [color=FF69B4]"If you haven't noticed, I waved to everyone Gerard. Perhaps you would've seen it if you weren't busy mourning the loss of your bread."[/color] Alice replied after his comment, of course Gerard was amused and smirked. Not many notices the subtle sarcasm and teasing when he does so. [color=#81F7F3]"Right, it's delicious and luscious curves will be missed."[/color] he replied, though he really did want to finish that bread. The meeting itself was very... interesting. Many piped up of their powers. Course he was skeptic, but with what was happening to him, it was all possible. All their powers were pretty strong. [color=#81F7F3]"Looks like this boring town of Verona is finally getting a bit more interesting."[/color] he muttered to himself, hands in his pocket. The rest of the meeting was normal- well normal in a sense that this is how they would act against each other. Naturally the quartet was anything but getting along. [color=cd9575]"Tess is fine."[/color] Tessa pipped up, annoyance slightly lacing her words, [color=cd9575]"And I'm here aren't I, that's not something a recluse would do."[/color] [color=#81F7F3]"A joke, a joke."[/color] he replied, holding out his hands infront of him, in mock defense. The most striking thing was Jade, he expected her to show up since Alicia did mention so. What he didn't expect was her complete and total breakdown, Gerard was slightly taken aback. The way she generalized how everyone hated her, even though, personally, Gerard was so-and-so with her. He honestly thought she was promiscuous but not much else, since it's her life, he didn't care much what she did, as Gerard was all for free choice and all that fancy jazz. [color=#81F7F3]"You know, if it wasn't for your own preconceived notion of your martyr's complex then you would get along fine, well atleast with me."[/color] he muttered out loud, matching the serious tone that permeated the room. She had already turned around so she probably didn't hear, Gerard just shrugged, while he tried and helped people, he didn't want to help people who couldn't help themselves. [color=cyan]"King probably doesn't enjoy me all that much, Gerard we don't talk much. But we just need to all get along."[/color] Alicia said in an attempt to comfort her, Gerard perked up and his usual smirk slid across his face, [color=#81F7F3]"You're gonna make me cry Alicia."[/color] he half-heartedly said, covering his mouth to yawn. The meeting was unofficially adjourned, well, atleast people began to leave. [color=#81F7F3][i]"Lunch lasted a long time, didn't it?[/i][/color] he asked himself in confusion. He then just shrugged it off. Before he got to leave, the quartet got into another feud, Jay and King face to face in anger, punches where then thrown in anger. Gerard promptly got up and tried to stop their petty little grievanced fight, but they both of them teleported, leaving Gerard, Malcolm and Scout in a stupor. [color=#81F7F3]"So he really [i]could[/i] teleport, interesting."[/color] They just stood there, then soon later Malcolm got a text and he soon sprinted out with Scout somewhere, [color=#81F7F3]"Guess they don't need my invaluable assistance."[/color] he said outloud to nobody in particular. [color=#81F7F3]"Alright then."[/color] He slung his rucksack on his bag, and cracked his stationary bones. Gerard had decided to spend the rest of his time, [i]alone[/i] (Poor noodle) and with a shrug he walked lazily to the Martial Arts club. He wasn't in it, by any means, since he was already part of the Astronomy club, but he [i]was[/i] a regular at the place. At his own pace, he reached at the door and slid it open. Oddly enough, they had a sliding door to fit the theme of Japanese roots of what they were learning. [color=#81F7F3]"Hey 'senpai's', can I spar with someone?"[/color] he called out inside, a silent shriek(s?) resounded somewhere inside the room. [b][i]"Is that Gerard?" "No no no." "Remember the [i]last[/i] time?"[/i][/b] were all the rather anxious reply that came from the room. "G- Gerard no, no one here at the moment can match you." [color=#81F7F3]"But I just wanna stretch myself, i was sitting still for a while earlier."[/color] he replied with half-lidded eyes. "Who is this guy?" said one of the newer, more cockier member "He looks so weak, betcha I can drop him in three seconds flat." "Don't underes-" another voice chimed in before being cut off, "No, I'll spar with this weakling." A smile skidded across Gerard's face, [color=#81F7F3]"Go easy on me, 'sen- pai'"[/color] he replied, purposely enunciating the word senpai. Even though Gerard knew that this wasn't Japan, he may as well match the theme of the place and called them senpai. He stepped in the room, and didn't even bother changing to his sparring garb. The different sea of anxious and 'regret' faces were all eyeing him. The new member had not known of Gerard and Gerard was fine with that. He walked to the center of the mat, and the newest member had this air of unbroken confidence and arrogance that surrounded him. [color=#81F7F3]"Come on."[/color] he said, grinning the whole while, also taunting his opponent with hand gestures to move towards him. [hr] The newest member lay on the floor, being unconscious and having opened, whitened eyes. Gerard relaxed his stance and he breathe in a chunk of fresh air. He had received a few attacks from this new member, but none too damaging. [b][i]"There we go again." "R.I.P." "What an idiot."[/i][/b] the voices said after watching the almost one sided duel. Gerard got next to the downed student, waving his hand infront of his face, the other members slowly gathering behind him looking on in wonder and curiosity. Gerard clapped his hands [color=#81F7F3]"Comeon, you got knocked out that bad?"[/color] he said, The beaten guy, got up and asked "W-What was that?" he asked, his voice shaking, "I couldn't block your attacks or could I go attack myself?!" Gerard shrugged, he had been practicing martial arts for a while now, [color=#81F7F3]"Practice more, I mean, you got potential I guess, for a doof like yourself."[/color] he said, fixing his disorganized clothes. The limited maneuverability proved to be a disadvantge, but Gerard generally liked a challenge. [b][i]"Surprised you didn't hear of Gerard." "Your own fault." "Why would you underestimate him?" "Heard only a few people could match him like some bloke named Everett or that psycho Noah."[/i][/b] the voices all in awe and fear said while Gerard began skulking out of the room, disinterested with these rumors. Lunch was about to be over so he decided to sate his hunger. He went over to the cafeteria and bought another Cheese bun with his money and began eating slowly and savoring the flavor whilst walking to his next class. [color=#81F7F3][quote]Yo Everett, what's been going on? Weird stuff in the school, it's finally getting interesting. Lemme confirm though, where and when is this 'party' of yours? Ps: Itching for a good spar, none of satisfied thus yet.[/quote][/color] -- Gerard's text to Everett. [color=#81F7F3]"I wonder what's next?"[/color] he asked his lonesome, slowly stuffing his face with his new cheese bun whilst on the lookout for the Cheese bun killer.