If you still need someone on top, then, here's the out-of-meta guy for you. [hider] [center] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/4c5f/f/2013/020/9/c/anime_guy_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5s4834.png[/img] [h1][color=a187be]Leon Kohlberg[/color][/h1] [color=8882be][i]"I used this game to escape reality, but even now... reality never wants me to get away..."[/i][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=a187be][u]Username:[/u][/color] Seraphin [color=a187be][u]Name[/u][/color]: Leon Kohlberg [u][color=a187be]Age:[/color][/u] 21 [u][color=a187be]Gender:[/color][/u] Male [u][color=a187be]Main:[/color][/u] Yorick, the Gravedigger [u][color=a187be]True Appearance:[/color][/u] Leon's clothes are torn apart, replaced by ragged cloaks and cloths that resemble that of his power's original owner. His skin glows slightly of a greener shade whilst his eyes are colored yellow. His voice echoes out in multiple voices whilst a series of scars begin to spawn all over his flesh. [u][color=a187be]Powers:[/color][/u] [color=bc8dbf][b][u]Unholy Covenant [/u][/b][/color]- When needed, Leon can summon his shovel: an ornate and lightweight iron shovel with an eerie lantern attached at its end. At the center of the shovel are the engraves initials 'Y.M'. The shovel can make use of Leon's pranas, causing its attacks to explode in a burst of spectral energy. [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Omen of War [/b][/u][/color]- Leon empowers his shovel with a wave of spectral energy, shackling a rabid and agile ghoul to rise from the nether. Whilst the ghoul lives, Leon moves faster than usual. Whilst his shovel is still empowered, Leon is able to move significantly faster. [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Omen of Decay [/b][/u][/color]- Leon releases a plague from the lantern attached to his shovel, causing a caustic explosion to erupt in a location, and summoning a plagued ghoul that decays the area around it. The decay slows down enemies (or everyone, since he is still learning) while they are near the ghoul. [u][color=bc8dbf][b]Omen of Famine [/b][/color][/u]- Leon smashes his shovel upon the earth, creating a small fissure whilst summoning a ravenous ghoul that grows stronger with his injuries; the ghoul's attacks absorb the enemy's pranas, redirecting it to Leon, healing him in the process. [u][b][color=92278f]Omen of Death [/color][/b][/u]- Leon, in his true form, pierces his shovel into the bowels of the earth, unearthing ghouls that take the appearance of Leon's allies (or himself). The ghouls can only attack and not copy the target's spells. Any damage sustained by the original ones are redirected to the mimicking ghouls. [u][color=a187be]Personality:[/color][/u] Leon, being a new kid on the block, is fairly shy and awkward. However, he tries his best to gain new friends, or even to communicate with others-- no matter how weird his tactics have to be. He has some sort of an inferiority complex, and often sees himself as a less important being as compared with others. He seldom wants to work with others, though, and would often do things his way if only to prove to himself that he is just as capable as his comrades. Leon is not really that proud of his powers, seeing as his ghouls frighten people instead of actually wanting to be close to him. Although, Leon is still level-headed and mature when push comes to shove. He does not like those that push others around, and will stick up for those who are being trodden over. He is not exactly leader material, but he is willing to take control when there is anarchy. Righteous, vindictive, and fiercely loyal-- Leon is a comrade that most would want and not want at the same time. [u][color=a187be]Short Biography:[/color][/u] Studying in college was one thing that Leon feared as it entailed him moving away from his family and his home. A college in Darkwell was the cheapest one around, and thus, the boy had no choice but to apply there. Shortly after moving there though, he immediately realized that the residents were not really friendly material. Hence, Leon had a hard time making any social contacts. Coupled with stress in college, the boy escaped his lonely reality by playing multiple online games, but none other stuck to him more than League of Legends. Sure, people were toxic, but they worked together until that blasted Nexus was destroyed. He played whenever he was stressed, and his favorite was Yorick-- sharing the same drive to be remembered by others. It was all a just game, though. Or, so Leon believed. He didn't know what happened, but he just woke up with ghouls swarming his room. It took days for him to settle down, and come to terms with his reality. But, when he saw a shovel decked upon his floor with the initials Y.M, the lad knew that there was something greater at work. But, more than that, he knew that he was not the only one who could have been the victim here. Life was beginning to become more complex, but to imagine a path much duller than this was almost nigh on impossible for Leon. At least, now, whenever he came home, a bunch of specters greeted him with jaws and fangs in their smiles. Oh, being a League of Legends player had never been much more fulfilling. [u][color=a187be]Other:[/color][/u] "Death is the only beginning." [/hider]