[right][img]http://i.imgur.com/azl52jR.png[/img][/right] Mailsi rolled her shoulders as Kieran's location came to her via telepathy. She hated telepaths, but she couldn't really complain. She had asked for it after all. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to teleport. She was just about to activate her powers when a broadcast came over the facility. Mailsi still held herself on the edge of teleporting but waited to watch the message. It was grisly. It had been too long since she had watched someone get maimed. Still, she knew it was fake and that took out a lot of horror for the situation. Though the utter realism of the session still turned her stomach. It was a good show and the message was simple. Mailsi ignored the little barely audible voice in the back of her head. It whispered to her that thy should press in. That now was their chance. They had the other team on the defensive. They were only showboating because Mailsi's team had the upper hand. If Mailsi kept on the pressure they'd win, what were a few holographic hostages? It wasn't like this was real. Mailsi triggered her comms, not waiting for S'tann or to even discuss this with him. Their fast was too slow. It was time to fall back. "[color=C0C0C0]We're retreating. Meet up with us outside the base. If you need directions, bug S'tann.[/color]" Mailsi took a deep breath and changed again. She might call her ability teleportation, but it wasn't. It was travelling along sound waves at the speed of sound. Despite looking like a duck and quacking like a duck, it wasn't a duck. Within milliseconds of teleporting Mailsi appeared at the front of the base. The damage here was worse than she had realized. And she was more than a little surprised to see S'tann looking like death warmed over. "[color=C0C0C0]Everyone okay?[/color]" Mailsi eyed S'tann's side, but spared everyone else a glance. Mailsi suppressed the shiver as the cold hit her harder after her little teleportation stunt. [i][color=C0C0C0]I am a pillar. I am immovable.[/color][/i] Mailsi mentally chanted. [i][color=C0C0C0]I will hold us together.[/color][/i] "[color=C0C0C0]Who's buried?[/color]"