Soft padded dancing shoes putter patterned across the fire escape as Ling Mae stopped for a moment the gym coming into view, but that wasn't what caught her eye. It was the fight between a myriad of people facing down what she knew to be the Triads. These were the water dragons to be specific and she knew them all too well from living in China Town herself all of these years. Completely astonished at the size of the street fight and the rather non uniform look of the other fighters she knew this wasn't a gang fight. Ling had to help, so she picked a target and saw a rather large man choking another. Feeling the need to intervene in what looked like a rather one sided affair and ran to the edge of the fire escape dropping down behind Hong just as Mike got out of his grip. She noticed the way Mike was preparing to kick and quickly knelt towards the back of Hong's to try and make it buckle and cause his face to meet Mike's foot all the faster and harder