[center][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/8582/f/2012/339/c/8/original_character_by_baroquebeat-d5n671r.jpg[/img] Name: Chen Chideta Age: 22 Allegiance: The Librarian Personality: Chen is arrogant, cynical, and judgemental. That's what one would say when first meeting him anyways. What he really is, is way too logical. Emotion doesn't come easily for him, he instead judges all situations off of pure logic and what's better for him or the situation. He doesn't understand emotion well either, leaving him confused in complex social situations. He's very awkward in conversation, sometimes just walking away in the middle of a sentence because he thinks he has something better to do. Because of this behavior he doesn't have many friends, which bothers him occasionally. In the end, he does what he believes to be good and righteous. Statistically speaking. [hider=Winters Touch]Chen's tome takes the form of a blue pin on his hoodie in the shape of a blue snowflake. When he taps it, it activates and expands into a snowflake shaped shield. His first power allows him to create ice and form it however he chooses. His second ability allows him to telekinetically control ice with ease. He thrives in cold environments and at his maximum power can freeze people solid and shatter them. This only works in the absolute coldest environments as his power is affected by heat. In hot environments he is left with only his shield and a backup dagger he hides in his sleeve.[/hider] [/center]