[center] [h2][color=f7976a]The Cyclops[/color][/h2] [h3]Not Just A Job, But Survival[/h3] [@Mivuli][@SgtEasy][@Vocab] [hr] Cy was hesitant to move for a moment, but she supposed that the Willow Pixie was her best bet at survival next to Sharp Shot and Greenie. Boys... Honestly. Giving one last look up to the roof, she followed the expressionless pixie girl. Sure, the red head knew she wasn't the most trustworthy looking person around, but who was these days? It was people who looked [i]too[/i] trustworthy that Cy never wanted to mess with. That was just asking for trouble. At least she was honest about having no real side but her own. Good thing the girl decided to risk Cy though. The lash marks on her back were starting to make her worry. Slinker ended up coming outside and stepping in front of the gun pointed at her. Curious. Most people didn't like getting shot for other. How odd. She wasn't often surprised. But this rouge was surprising to her. Tilting her head back, she peered at him curiously, then gave him a nod of gratitude as she passed. Curiouser and curiouser... She'd have to to study him a bit later. Yea know, when she was bleeding through her shirt. Trouble? Her? She had meant it when she had said that she would be less of a threat than the other strangers in the shop. Cy was starting to feel a bit light headed, but she refused to show weakness. Not with Greenie eyeing her like she eyed a nice rabbit in the brush. Hand signals were exchanged, and Cy followed the other girl into the building. It was a lot smaller than it looked, all cramped and claustrophobic. The kind of place she hated. But she was coming towards the end of her rope. It was still a good trek to the Earthkin territory, and the Forgotten were a better risk that the O.S., Scorps, or any other small gang who could be easy targets. Rubbing a gloved hand over her brow, she removed some dust and cold sweat. Dammit, she was was getting weak now? Now when she had to watch her back? Great. A sun-kissed, badger-attitude girl was working the shop. Cy shifted her green eye to the ex-Cyote cautiously. She hadn't worked with either of this guy or the Slinker, but rumors were enough. Possible connections with either would be nice, but she was working a game plan right now. Speaking of which... Badger Girl had turned her sharp tone right on Cy. Putting her map on the untouched side of the table, she slowly took off the shot gun and ammo straps, keeping them on her arm, just in case anyone decided to try and grab a bit of extra around here. Then, slowly, carefully, she shrugged off her jacket with a small hiss. Turn her back to the sharp-tongued girl, she jabbed a thumb at a her back. The shirt she wore stuck to her back with dark dingy red stick stains, slowly seeping out with more and more blood. [color=fdc68a] "Got anythin' fer this?"[/color] she grunted through her teeth, head held high, [color=fdc68a]"It's sorta ruin' my shirt. Salve or bandages or anythin' would be nice." [/color] Smug little badger girl... She just wanted to trade as quickly as possible. Maybe find some run down forgotten place where she could apply medicine and sleep for a bit. A nice easy night. For once. Geez, she hated feeling pathetic. Let's just get this over with.[/center]