[center][h3][color=red]Student President Mariette Shej[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/HSlF8BW.gif [/img][/center] [hr] The world continued to turn and things were moving forward at their own pace. To those in power, the events that unfolded on that night were observed and gauged for how best they could be utilized and manipulated. But alas, the night could not go on any further. The battles would soon end, the chases would come to their resulting climaxes, and the promise of riches and treasures sparked in the hearts of the many. Darkness gave way to light as a new morning approached… The machinations revolving around the residents of this Shattered world could not be judged. While some would go on forth and continue conspiring against the Imperator-likewise, those in the Imperium made their next moves to crush this resistance-others would be goaded onwards for a new journey to pursue the famed Legend Relics that were now in such high favor. And for the students who would be returning to the busying schedules that encompassed their time at the Academy, it was simply another day of scholarly teaching. The Student President herself was in particularly high spirits, having become excited for the two new lovebirds to make their nest into the lives of their fellow peers. Mariette skipped along the hallways, heading towards her space in the Student Council Office to conduct her work. Even so, she was quite aware of the current events surrounding her as news began to spread amongst the students. Some were bringing up whispers concerning the peach from last night. No sane citizen would do something as stupid as that, right? The Student President chuckled as she gave several students knowing glances, reminding them that there were still classes to be attended to. Regardless of the commotion, she would continue to be the role model and paragon that others needed her to be. Yet even she had to admit that things were getting…interesting all of a sudden. [hr] [center][@The 42nd Gecko], [@Vocab], [@Flamelord], [@Guilty Spark], [@KoL], [@McFazzer], [@Savo], [@BlueAjah], [@BytheSpleen], [@Awesomoman64], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Aristo], [@Knight of Doom][/center]