[@LovelyAnastasia][@SgtEasy][@MissCapnCrunch] Shiba noticed that this was going to be one of their busy days. Today they would be dealing with more customers then just one person could handle. Shiba sighed and he put his sniper rifle behind his back then he got his shotgun and started to load it with the bullets as well as putting on his bandoleer just in case. Shiba wasn't a good a salesperson as but at least he could make sure that everything was in order and things would happen accordingly. The one time Shiba let things go on the customers nearly took over the HQ thankfully Shiba was as good with a shotgun as he was with a sniper otherwise that would have gotten a lot worse. Once Shiba was loaded he threw over the rope end of the grappling hook he kept up their just in case for quick entrances into the shop. He then slid down the rope and cocked his shotgun. Time to take charge. [color=green] Alright people please remain in a orderly line behind the counter if you are not here to trade or join us then get out before I blow you out. All trades will be handled by mari today who is already seeing someone. If you are here to handout then again get out, the only exception to these being if you are pregnant or a small child. As long as you are here to do business then you have nothing to worry about if you start causing a ruckus and disrupt our business I will not hesitate to kick you out on your ass.[/color] Shiba said cocking his shotgun again [color=green] so please cause some trouble so I can use this thing today[/color] he said making sure that everyone that was not part of the group heard him. This was standard protocol for all people who came to them but Shiba was able to speak them with more authority then the others could, one of the advantages of having a military officer for a father; you could project the authority you need to get your point across...