Alice walked between the library shelves. [i]Needs to calm down, need to get away.[/i] She walks\ed eloquently and gracefully through the library. In her mind she imagined that the bookshelves were mazes, leading her into a directional path towards paradise. [i]Loser, only losers go to the library.[/i] Alice shook her head. [i]Shut up Micheal![/i] She picked out a book labeled, [u]Hypnotic Love. [/u] [i]"Walk off a ledge and die."[/i] One of her voices told her. But Alice knew better by now, she'd lived with this her whole life. She knew better than to take them for truth. [i]You should either whore yourself or kill yourself.[/i] She continued reading the book description. [i]"Or both!"[/i] A new voice said. She opened the book. Isolation was an unusual thing to her. Sometimes she liked being in crowds of people, the voices in her head mixed well with the voices of people around her. Whenever she was alone the voices shouted the loudest to her. Or was that just a psychological factor? [i]In silence, even the smallest voices sound loudest.[/i] Was that her own though or the voices? It didn't matter at this point. She had to learn to live with it. There were several times in her life where her voices had saved her, but living with them was certainly a nightmare. She'll often doze off in class and debate with them excitingly in silence. Her teachers think she's special. Maybe she is. It didn't matter to her at this point. Nothing really mattered to her anymore. She's distanced herself from her friends and family. None of it mattered to her. Isolation is something she learned to cope with. She's an introvert by circumstance. Most people think she's shy, in reality she's lonely. Living with schizophrenia her whole life has made her compatible to only loneliness. [i]Loneliness isn't the worst thing a person has to live through.[/i] Was that her own thought or one of the voices? It still didn't matter. She'd given up differentiating herself from the voices a long time ago. She's learned to ignore them all. She sat down on the library floor, and began reading. She likes to imagine the characters in her books as having funny accents.