[h2][center]Chen Chideta[/center][/h2] Chen walked through the streets, there had been a fair going on yesterday and everything seemed empty now in comparison to yesterday. He looked around and yawned quietly, he had gotten up early after he had gotten the message. He was to meet up with someone named Syn to help break out prisoners that were deemed important. Chen started to go through a mental checklist so he could kill some time while looking for Syn. He had his backpack which was filled with various tools for cutting through metal and such, check. He had his inconspicuous clothes on, check. He had a few smoke bombs just in case, check. He had his dagger in his sleeve, check. Chen finished his checklist and stopped. It would appear as if he had just found his meeting spot. Alleyway near the execution grounds surrounded by a workshop selling various magical items and a restaurant. Chen strolled into the alleyway and sighed. He could already tell this was going to be chaotic. "Hello there. Are you Miss Syn?"