[b][@axleonex][/b] [b][color=ed1c24] "Don't tempt me, Hades. First off I just flew in and no I don't know and doubt that it matters much. But what I am about to say certainly does. Number one. What does matter to me is my Creations. I made those wands for a purpose. I also made those grimoires for a purpose. I don't want them harmed. Yes the Grimoires are a bit..hmmmm.... aggressive yet they will teach the students a valuable lesson of defending themselves against unforeseen mishaps among other lessons. Number two if you hav not noticed, I have the purest black hair. I will not base by judgement on the color of hair but the person's actions and by what they say. Number three is simple. My conscience left me a long time ago and I won't allow another voice to move in. What do you have to say that will convince me to do either one of those things? I do need students to teach or I'll be out of a job. Which I need very much at the moment." Magicka spoke in a low voice with a foot tapping impatiently. [/color][/b]