Kiara's seductive promise proved to be quite true in the end. The purr in her voice caused Morgan to blush deeper and stumble as she pulled him out among the other dancers. Despite the trepidation in his voice and movements on the way to the dance floor, he couldn't help but be enchanted by the presence of the fey creature before him. Having grown up among many sisters he proved to be an able dancer once under te grip of the music, but was simply unable to see how he could hold a candle to the raw beauty of his partner. His eyes followed her every move, and were inclined to wander along her form as she danced. The warmth of their constant contact eventually turned his mind in a more indecent direction, only causing his cheeks and neck to redden all the more. When, after what seemed like both forever and far too little time, the music ended, Morgan stood as though stunned. He was staring into Kiara's eyes as they changed color, and it struck him that the red quite suited her. His cheeks continued to burn while she thank him for the dance, and he could do little more than stare after her retreating form and mutter his own thanks long after she had moved away. Eventually, the press of other students reminded him that he was standing in the middle of the dance floor. Head still in the clouds, or anywhere else he could imagine himself with the faerie, he made his way back to his original position near the wall. Piper had already returned, and was positively beaming at the look on Morgan's face. [color=silver]"Shut up,"[/color] was all he offered as he leaned against the wall next to her, pulling his scarf up over the lower half of his face. [color=darkslategray]"Whatever, you can thank me later."[/color] Piper shook her head as her comment went unheard, as Morgan was already deep in thought again. While looking for Kiara amongst the crowd, his eyes fell on the confrontation between his roommate and a friend and what looked to be Laurel's family. It looked like something he wanted to stay well clear of, for the time being.