[h2][color=d86c00]Nina Jelen[/color][/h2] [center]and [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Ashton%20Bryant&name=rexlia%20free.ttf&size=100&style_color=02A81E[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/29d75b251a70f7296164c79758cd1e40/tumblr_n238hn2HcE1rp0vjjo4_250.gif[/img][/center] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/60qZ3b7tCiM7u/giphy.gif[/img] Locations: Simon's Cafe Interacting with: Each other and Petyr via Text [@Saltwater Thief] [hr][hr] Once Nina arrived at the cafe, she felt her phone buzzing and saw a text from Petyr. [color=d86c00][i]"Weird...must have been out of range... uh oh."[/i][/color] [color=d86c00][i]"P- I don't have work today, but I will be at the cafe. Meeting up with Ash for a bit. Need to talk to him. We will talk later, ok? -<3 N[/i][/color] She hit the send button and bit her lip. It was the twin thing, and she could tell that Petyr was not that happy with her at the moment. Of course, she didn't normally cut school to do things with people, so she couldn't blame him. She chose to sit in one of the armchairs in the corner of Simon's and let out a sigh. She felt tired, from all the cleaning she had been doing earlier. It had been hard work. However, she still felt that the new dress and fixing and cleaning her jacket had been a little over the top. Not that she didn't appreciate it. She relaxed into the chair, waiting for Ash to show up. A few minutes later, Ashton showed up, his hair was still a little wet from swimming practice. It appeared that he came here straight from school, he was still sporting his backpack. Spotting Nina in the armchair, he made his way over with a grin and a wave. [color=32CD32]"Hey Nina! Didn't see you at all during school. What's up?"[/color] He seated himself in the armchair facing Nina's and leaned on the armrest. [color=32CD32]"You look tired. You okay?"[/color] [color=d86c00]"There is a reason you didn't see me. I kinda cut to help out Everett Wilcox at his lodge. Figured he could use a friend given what tomorrow is."[/color] Nina looked over and got up and hugged Ash before he sat down. [color=d86c00]"I can always tell when you have practice, because you smell like chlorine."[/color] She giggled a bit and sat back down and handed him a cup of hot cocoa. [color=d86c00]"So, did I miss anything crazy at school today? I bet there was something about that eclipse last night, huh?"[/color] His expression clouded a bit. "Yeah... The memorial." He said softly. He quickly gave her a reassuring smiel before filling her in on everything that's happened. "So yeah. It's really crazy, but apparently the eclipse gave everyone freaky powers. Apparently Moon can fly, Jade can create earthquakes, Kata can manipulate water, Jay can teleport... And that's not even half of that. It's insane." Nina's eyes widened. [color=d86c00]"Do prdele. So... it wasn't... Uh... funny story Ash. Its not just them. But what about you? You saw it right? Did you get anything?"[/color] Nina sipped her latte, and looked over at Ash. Ash simply shrugged. [color=32CD32]"Nope, I've got nothing. Jay told me to experiment with it though because it might be more 'subtle', whatever that means."[/color] He then leaned forward as if something just occurred to him. [color=32CD32]"What do you mean, 'it's not just them'? Nina can you...?"[/color] He trailed off. [color=d86c00]"I can't really show you here, but yeah. I can do interesting things as well..."[/color] She bit her lip in thought. She and Petyr had agreed to keep their gifts quiet for now. She would keep the fact that Petyr could as well quiet until he said otherwise. [color=d86c00]"And you... subtle? Hmmm I wonder what it could be."[/color] Ashton raised an eyebrow. [color=32CD32]"I'll be looking forward to you showing me then, later."[/color] He then shrugged and settled back into the armchair. [color=32CD32]"I definitely haven't noticed anything. I mean... People seem to be discovering theirs in a really obvious way. Like Austin super speeded around, Livvie knocked Gerard's food over with wind... There's no guarantee that I've got anything. And I think that I'm the odd one out."[/color] [color=d86c00]"I only figured it because I burned breakfast to bits because I got concerned and worried. Otherwise I wouldn't know I have something. So maybe you do, just haven't really triggered it yet? I don't know, this is new territory for everyone. Wait, Livvie got a power as well? Huh... What about Tess?"[/color] Nina leaned in a bit closer to Ash. She had other things she wanted to talk about, but it wasn't the time. [color=32CD32]"Uh... Lemme think."[/color] Ash tilted his head in thought. Moments later, he snapped his fingers. [color=32CD32]"I think she said invisibility."[/color] [color=d86c00]"Figures... seems that's all she's been wanting to do lately... I miss her. I need someone I can talk to about boy trouble... uh oh. Let me guess, you're going to ask about it huh?"[/color] Nina looked at Ash, blushing a bit. She couldn't keep her mouth shut it seemed. Ash gave a smirk and pointed at her with a tongue click and a wink. [color=32CD32]"You said it, not me. And if I'm not mistaken... Isn't that the real reason why you wanted to hang out today?"[/color] Nina blushed more. [color=d86c00]"Augh I'm just so confused right now! I wish it could be simple, but no, everything in my life apparently has to be so complex!"[/color] Nina sighed, and took a long sip of her latte. Ashton chuckled sympathetically at his flustered friend. [color=32CD32]"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But if you want someone to talk to, I'm here. Even though I'm not Tess. Or a girl, for that matter."[/color] He glanced outside the window for a second in thought before redirecting his gaze back at Nina. [color=32CD32]"A lot of the times, things aren't as complex as you think they are though. Human beings have a tendency to over complicate and over analyze."[/color] Nina looked at Ash and paused, and then took another sip of her coffee. [color=d86c00]"Everett kissed me today, twice, but it seems he's also blocking me out a bit. I mean, I understand. He's going through a lot, but at the same time I want to be there for him. I don't know. It feels complex. Maybe I am overthinking it. Sorry for dumping this all on you."[/color] Ashton blinked at Nina for a few moments. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it was certainly not [i]that[/i]. [color=32CD32]"Wow, that is a bit complex, isn't it?"[/color] He murmured in surprise. [color=32CD32]"It's fine Nina. You know that I'm here for you. But you know what? No amount of speculating is going to figure anything out, unless you just want to freak yourself out a bit. Have you thought of maybe you know. Talking to him? I know it can be hard, but it might help."[/color] He leaned forward with a reassuring smile and patted her head. [color=32CD32]"You'll figure it out. I know you will."[/color] Nina giggled a bit as Ash patted her head. [color=d86c00]"I think I will do that when I next get the chance. He's having some sort of party tomorrow at the lodge, I think everyone is invited, by the way."[/color] Nina took a sip of her coffee and smiled. [color=d86c00]"Thanks Ash. You really are a good friend. I needed that."[/color] [color=32CD32]"Any time."[/color] Ash replied with a warm smile.