[@Classpet] [@SouffleGirl123] [@Weird Tales] [@Dutchess Sarah] jay nods to each and smiles at Anna Jayne. "Apologizes for skipping over you, pleasure to meet you all" Jewel lifts her head and nods to lavender, then looks at her bird and rolls her eyes. Well it looks like she does anyway, it is hard to tell with the stone coloration of the snake's eyes. "If I remember correctly the house for each person is choosen by either qualities they possess or qualities they admire, however you can refuse a house that you are sorted into. Since refusal means you aren't meant for that house" he gives a smile and shrugs. "I feel like it is more the individual that matters not the house they are in" his open kindness showing in full force. "I'm really excited to learn some magic and see what everything has in store. What all are you looking forward to" beaming smile, this is definitly him in his most positive self. He does have a side that is far less then that when he becomes angry.