A northern english accent played on the speakers. "Welcome students to Multiversity! The University of the Multiverse. Here you will met people of the Multiverse. Today you will have the chance to explore the school. Tomorrow classes begin. Pick your class schedules up in the offices. I will hand them to you all personally. And have a fantastic day!" Lex walked in the office to get his schedule and saw a man handing out the schedules. he was thing, short brown hair and was wearing a blue suit and red tie. He had black glasses on. The man was introducing himself to the students as the doctor. Hello, im the Doctor!" He said in a english accent. "whats youre name?" Lex rose a eyebrow this wasnt the same voice. "Umm Lex luthor...Sir are you the same man who spoek on the speakers." The man filed through the paprs. "Why yes I am?" "You dont sound like him." "oi! I am the headmaster. The Doctor." He said trying to mimic a northern accent. On the other ends of the school, in the other offices. 3 other men calling themself the Doctor was passing out the schools.