[@FateWeaver] Katerin carefully felt along the chair until she was sure that she knew its exact shape and size. Then she carefully sat down. She was alittle nervous to eat with so many people around. She had never been around so many people her own age. She felt along the table until she found her bowl, spoon and a cup. She frowned in though she could manage most foods but there were some that were harder to eat then other's. ------- [color=f7976a]"Welcome. Please be seated. My name isnt important. You can call me housekeeper or Ms. Smith. There is a large variety of fruit in the center of the table feel free to help yourselves to them. If you have an diet arty restrictions please let me know and I will do my best to work around them. I have made pancakes and sausage this morning." [/color] the housekeeper told them.