[hider=Game Start][URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/the_city_by_str8g8_zpszzxdcgnq.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/the_city_by_str8g8_zpszzxdcgnq.jpg[/IMG][/URL] You were born in Patina city, a shining star in both magic and technology, during some rather dark times...at four, you would leave just before its fall to corruption and crime. No one would have imagined you’d be returning. But, certain circumstances have changed... ...bustling streets, dim alleyways... ...escaped fairies, clockwork canines... Gangs and gears, drugs and deception, magic and murder...will the sun rise for you, who lives in this dark city? ... [i]Gender?[/i] Male | Female ... [i]Name?[/i] [u] [/u] ... [i]Surname?[/i] [u]Hunter[/u] – Both of your parents worked as bounty hunters, back in the day, but their work as mercenaries even further back…well…they’ve done some terrible things in the past, as some long standing witnesses have testified to. Only five years ago were they put to rest for their crimes, though, you’ve always believe in their innocence. This year, after the death of your great aunt, you’ve save enough of your own hard earned money to come to Patina city to gather this evidence. -Affiliated with bounty hunters. Bonus with any socializations towards bounty hunters. -Connected with the current head of the mercenaries. They've arranged for you to have a dingy apartment you can stay in for a month. Your door doesn't lock, but everyone in the apartment is a mercenary told to have your back during your stay. Protected in the apartment, temporary bonus with any socializations towards mercenaries during your stay. -Infamy with some lawful folk. -Bonus in offensive magic or skill of your choosing. [u]Skinner[/u] – Simply put, your parents were part of a cult once huge in Patina city. You were destined to rejoin this cult, and grow it. -Choose a blessing. -Choose a curse. -Choose an alignment. -Bonus is learning older forms of magic. [u]Carver[/u] – Murdered. Your mother, a famous songstress and socialite, was found dead when you were only three…they caught the man responsible, but, it’s always colored the way you’re seen the world since then. After all, this happened before the uptick in crime in this city…you’ve returned to sort out and fight for some things of interest in a deceased relative’s will. -Your temporary residence is some old family estate, which you will share with some distant family during your stay. Hot meals, baths, and soft beds. -Slight bonus to intelligence, wisdom, and perception...as well as a bonus in technology or charisma. -If charisma is chosen, bonus with any socializations with high class citizens of Patina city. -Your happiness is harder to increase or decrease, and so is everyone else's -Class Unlocked: Magical Hymnist. [u]Tanner[/u] – Raised in an average enough family, they were lucky enough to leave the city for the countryside, just as the going went tough...it's interesting, being back in the big city again. -Better bonus in luck. -Bonus in animal taming and gardening or in strength. -If bonus in animal taming and gardening is chosen, there is also an increase of possibly encountering the 'Back-alley Reaper'? -Living parents have helped pay for the room your rent at a boarding house. [u]Walker[/u] – Child of the Harvey Walker, the last great officer of the law before Patina city went to the dogs…people remember how great of a man he was, and you plan to bring back his legacy in full force. -Lawful Good alignment to start. -Hard mode. -The city remembers your father! Bonus in all respect and reputation.[/hider] [i]Piercing the darkness of the room, a white light off a flat screen, prompted no one in particular… [u]>Continue…?[/u][/i] [center]-----[/center] With the fresh rain, the filthy downtown area of Patina City took on a certain kind of reek. Like a wet mutt, mixed with rotted garbage, and there might have been a hint of soured booze in there. Rats skittered to hide under cardboard boxes, the poor ducked under makeshift homes, little more than shacks made of that aforementioned rotted garbage, wood… From a rather building with many interesting sound emitted from it, a woman straddled the window sill with one hand steadying to steady herself, watching the last of the thunder storm fleeing off into the distant as she raised her bottle of alcohol to her lips… A figure darted out from a shadow, across the street with their trailing cloaks, knocking a well-dressed man into an alleyway right in the middle of his conversation. As the man tried to recover, the cloaked figure drew out a sickle, shining just so under the lamplight barely touching the narrow space. With a well-aimed slash down, the well-dressed man’s female companion came running towards them, taking one look and let out a horrified scream. [center]-----[/center] The old fashioned train compartment was neat, going with the natural wooden arrangements and with overhead shelves for carry-on baggage. The man in his grey suit, napping, who has yet to speak to [u](the player)[/u] …seemed to right themselves after a tick, pulling the hat from their face to their head in one fluid movement. He wore an eye patch. Yawning into the back of his hand, adjusting his askew eye patch as he sat back for a moment, before glancing at [u](the player)[/u] in consideration, “Ay…you’re nah frum around here, are ya? Dr McGable,” A hand held out, a lazy smirk on his face, “An’ what brings ya to the fair city of Patina?” ----- 1) Introduce yourself. 2) Explain your reason for returning to Patina City. 3) Ask about... -The train? -Patina City? -Dr McGable? -----