Ashton nodded in response to Duncan, picking up her travel backpack and stared at the other SeeD's equipment. Teal colored eyes narrowed thoughtfully over the giant weapons that were bigger then her sniper rifle. She remembered when she tried to use a weapon like this. It did not end well. The school refused to let her use any giant bladed weapons ever again. She could probably strap these to her bag, though it would slow her down... and might cause similar issues like the time when she did try to use a weapon ten times her size but these were her comrades equipment. The dirty blonde would have felt very happy to have her own sniper rifle returned to her. Still, probably best to hold out in position until the rest of the party catches up. With the alarm now blaring, their option of being slow and careful was pretty much out the window. Glancing around the room, she looked down the hall before moving one of the large steel boxes. Pushing it in front of the opening before crouching down. Sniper rifle moving to shift over the cover and aim directly where enemy troops were surely to come running at them. Eyes fixated to focus on any movement and who exactly it belonged to. It be bad if she headshotted a comrade after all or perhaps a innocent Moomba. Eyes flicking a little wider as she caught a sliver a movement, she spotted the color of enemy. The build wasn't anyone she recognized and she could hear the shouts of command. She fired as the man waved toward their position, gun raising and ready to fire. Levi the sniper rifle whirred as it was fired, and just like that the bullet flew and sunk right through the enemy soldier's right eye. Her position and stance didn't change as she skillfully reloaded in a surprisingly quick manner, for a sniper at least, and resumed overwatch. She of course, didn't enjoy killing, but in this position, she had little choice. Priority was to get her comrades out alive. And SeeD's were trained for these scenarios. She could hear more footsteps and shouts barely through the alarms. Ashton hoped that the others would make it back quick. With the three of the SeeD's here though, they should be able to hold out pretty well, especially when in the Armory with ammo.