[hider=Alex] [center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/5bb1/f/2012/057/7/9/shadow_human_by_xtremedragon03-d4r2t48.jpg[/img] [h2][color=red]"Huh? Ya sure I'll get right on it."[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Username: [/b]Eklispe [b]Name:[/b] Alex Drayorous [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Main:[/b] Talon [b]True Appearance:[/b] Talon's distinctive blade cloak and hood appear over Alex's body and his figure becomes shadowy and harder to discern. Powers: [b]Cutthroat:[/b] After a brief moment of concentration Alex can teleport behind a living target in his vision. [b]Blade Manipulation:[/b] Alex can 'mark' blades as his own. He has a limited amount of control over these blades, allowing him to pull them back to himself. [b]Laceration:[/b] Alex can gather 'cuts' around a blade or his own limbs. These 'cuts' rotate in the air and hover around the target. If the 'cuts' hit something they open ragged wounds that bleed profusely if not attended to. [b]Assassin: [/b]Alex has gained the ability to see blood, as a sort of x-ray vision if he so chooses. He can see a trial of blood through walls, mixed with water, but not if its inside someone. [b]Blade Cloak(True Appearance Only):[/b] When in this mode Alex has a greater control over his blades the he can control more 'cuts' as well as throw them. Finally he can create blades and turn invisible at will. [b]Personality:[/b] Alexander likes to think of himself as a pretty cool guy. Unfortunately he's not very cool headed. He tendency to act first and ask questions later, in addition to his moral idea, tends to get him into trouble more times than not. Still, a few beatings here and there won't keep him down and when he puts his mind to it nothing short of death will stop him. [b]Short Biography:[/b] A guy that plays league. Bet you weren't expecting that. What'ya mean a minimum character limit. Aw fine. Lower class family, more interested in screwing around and having fun then going to school and doing work. Though he did manage to graduate high school it was a close thing and now he lives by himself in a tiny apartment, working in a fast food restaurant and barely making enough to get by. If he's not working then he's rollerblading or playing League. [/hider]