[@c3p-0h] [right][color=90EE90][h3][I] The Voice [/I][/h3][/color][/right] [i][color=90EE90] "Shit! [/color][/i] Luce shouted as the roots of trees began to wrap around her feet and make their way up her legs. She clawed at the ground with her hands desperately trying to get a grip on something, anything. When she discovered that there was no way she was getting a grip on anything, she figured that she should use the one foot she had while she could. She pried the middle of the branch up off her left foot just enough to free it but scratching her hand in the process. Her foot free, she used it to kick at the branch gripping her other foot until it finally cracked enough for her to break it. All the while, screaming to the other body on the ground, who was already wrapped completely in the branches, to wake up and that they were in danger. Knowing that he was not going to wake up, she made her run into the woods while she still could hoping that the branches would not chase her. As she ran towards the old woman, her confusion grew stronger and stronger. Where was she?? Who was this woman? Why did she want Luce to come with her so badly? As she finally caught up to woman panting severely, she raised her voice and yelled, [i][color=90EE90] "What the HELL was that?" [/color][/i]