[center][h1][color=#C0C0C0]P[/color][color=#C9C3A4]R[/color][color=#D2C689]O[/color][color=#DBC96D]P[/color][color=#E4CD52]H[/color][color=#EDD036]I[/color][color=#F6D31B]S[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AlFETMF.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][I]NAME:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Eligius Plautius (People just call him Sam)[/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][I]ALIAS:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Prophis[/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][I]AGE:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]18 in appearance. God knows in actual age, in the 800s somewhere. *1st Incarnation*[/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][color=C0C0C0][b][u]POWERS -[/u][/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Regeneration[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Sam's people - the Domini - rely on regeneration, to allow the old, wounded or otherwise dying to undergo a transformation into a new physical form and a somewhat different personality. Regeneration is composed of a special regeneration energy, and that energy isn't unlimited, but can still last up to 30 years, depending on how much harm a Domini recieves, and how many times they regenerate. They also have regeneration cycles, with the maximum amount of times one can regenerate being 12. Once that's over, they'll die and sustain wounds like a human. Another effect of regeneration is that a Domini can be thousands of years old, and yet appear as a thirteen year old.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=gold][b]Lava Lamp[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Phrophis is completely immune to hot temperatures, and, in turn, hot water. He has baths without any cold water, and showers turned all the way up to hot. He can even have green tea straight away! Once, he even walked on the sun. This is a big plus for Sam, as he sees it, as he can easily walk into fires and rescue people. It's also very handy for being in a sauna.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=gold][b]Telepathy[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Like other members of his kind, Sam retains a telepathic link between other Domini, and other races of his choice, moreso specific individuals. The individuals cannot be strong-minded, or easily distracted, otherwise the telepathic link will break. Most human brains are often too fragile for the strain of the telepathy, and can often snap, rendering them a drooling buffoon, or sometimes a jittering maniac.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=gold][b]Time Immunity[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]As Dominus Temporis (the home planet of the Domini) is a suspended fragment in time, the Domini are completely immune to any time alterations that might take place on any other planet, such as time being slowed, frozen, etc. This also means they are immune to time loops - strange occurrences in time where one scene might loop over and over, usually due to a paradox disturbing the space-time continuum. This often means it is up to the Domini to find and fix said paradox, thus making the phrase "domini rerum temporumque" come into play (see Notes).[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=gold][b]Teleportation & Increased Reflexes[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]Since Domini are immune to time alterations and the such, they can call on an alteration themselves temporarily, and move to anywhere around them, giving the effect of teleportation. (Though, not the full benefits of it.) Since this is the case, they can also temporarily view things as though time were slowed, giving them increased reflexes, much faster than that of a human.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][b][u]SKILLS -[/u][/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Dual Wielding[/b][/color] [INDENT][INDENT]As stated, Sam is trained in the art of dual wielding weapons, though not fully skilled in it (there have been a few bruises from accidents during training). So far, he's just come off using training batons and is moving onto dual wielding small, lightweight weapons. He hasn't actually done much work on it, so the best he can do is bruise someone's arm or give them a black eye. He can slap someone pretty hard, too.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][b][u]EQUIPMENT -[/u][/b][/color] [list] [*] [color=gold][b][url=http://image.ec21.com/image/koimex/oimg_6_4/Police_Batons.jpg]Dual Batons[/url][/b][/color] - The primary (and only) weapons of Prophis for the timebeing. [*] [color=gold][b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4a/37/5f/4a375fcce7e0b2bc8558581fb744ac21.jpg]Fob Watch[/url][/b][/color] - Based on an old Domini myth of two lovers of chaos, this was created especially for Sam as a gift from his father. It's said to hold regeneration energy, as a quick refill for Sam if he ever ran out.[/list][/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT][list][*] Domini [i]aren't[/i] immortal - the way to kill them is deliver a fatal wound whilst they're regenerating. However, it's kept a tight secret, one that all Domini take to their grave. [*] Sam is a rare Domini, of which is sensitive to shrill, high-pitched sounds, above the level of human hearing. All Domini can hear said sounds, but are otherwise unaffected by it. [*] Domini have a limited amount of regenerations, and people need a very good reason to get a new cycle from the High Council. The only thing regeneration energy can do is give Domini a boost if it were drained from them - it has no effect on their regeneration cycles. [*] Sam's telepathic link strains on his stamina and strength, and if he sustains one for too long he'll ultimately black out.[/list][/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][i]SAMPLE POST:[/i][/color] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Nopenopenopenopenopenopenope. Nope.[/INDENT] [color=C0C0C0][B]| [color=gold][i]NOTES:[/i][/color] |[/B][/color] [indent]Sam is a Domini - a race of humanoid beings from the planet Dominus Temporis, that rely on regeneration to cheat death. [b]FUN FACT:[/b] I actually created the Domini based on the Time Lords in Doctor Who, and also based on the Latin phrase "domini rerum temporumque", which means "lords of time". Also, domini means "of" in Latin, and dominus temporis means "sir time". (Though I like to think the cooler phrase would be dominus, which just means lord.)[/indent]