Name: Marcus Avian Age: considers himself 30, actually 80 Gender: Male Rank: Lt. Commander, currently AWOL Rebirth: Yes, was in the first batch but did not wake up after he was killed. Over the past 30 years, he has spent his time conscious but some how unable to actually lock into a body to wake up in. For some reason though he was finally able to secure a connection to one and force himself awake. On pervious occasions he had gotten into bodies, but had never been able to get them to do anything other then twitch. His current body is what he views as a hollow triumph. Something he has control over for the first time in decades, but a cruel reminder of his former self. Call Sign: Specter Personality: Marcus is not who he used to be anymore. Sure there's the gradual change the constant fighting and war fare brings to a person, and he went through plenty of this during his time before the Rebirth Project, but after 50 years in a tube he's gone a bit crazy. After waking up he went through several intense Psych evaluations and studies, being monitored for any bad tendencies or mental damage from his years in a 'comma' like state. He was labeled as volatile and unpredictable and for awhile it was debated whether or not they should just put him down and delete the data they had on him in the banks. Because of this, he doesn't really feel like trusting others. Obstinate and aggressive he lashes out at those who attempt to approach him, still attempting to adjust to the years he has missed and get a better understanding of who he is now in a body he doesn't really feel right in. History: Hi I'm Marcus. I'm 30 years old, I think, and I'm an R.A.S soldier. I'm a sniper in Strike Team Banshee, and my number is 45771. I graduated from the academy on Tenish with good grades I suppose and was top of my class when it came to sharp shooting and target practice. Pretty nifty. I fought mostly in the trenches with different strike teams, my favorite or at least best group being a strike force that specialized in assassinations and crippling the enemy through sabotage and crippling strike attacks. Banshee was a spin off of that one actually. Even had an old squad mate in it with me. Anyways, got married after being assigned to a Battle cruiser with a close friend of mine I met in the academy. We'd been through a lot of shit together to put it lightly, I'll love her till I die for good. I got into the Rebirth program with her and had to hear the news she'd been shot right before they put a bullet through my head. Talk about a nightmare, I was stuck with that the whole time I was locked up until I woke up. They told me she was alive when I went through a few therapy sessions. Or rather interrogations but they wont let me see her. They keep telling me to stay put, they'll fetch her, but I know they wont! They shot me and experimented on me because they assumed me 'dead' but didn't want to throw away all my copies and waste good subjects. So they tried out other stuff on me and wouldn't listen to me when I told them to stop. Apparently I was just kinda floating around in the system, didn't make the connection to my body till recently. So why should I trust them? Screw them, I'll find Rin on my own. Skill: Marcus is an excellent sharp shooter and close combat foot soldier, a field mechanic, and good with a combat knife. He has run and joined in several high profile ops the majority of which have been successes. An improviser and a fast thinker, valuable in the battlefield. Give him a sniper rifle and he'll give you a whatever head you want. Weakness: A horrible flyer, really just no feel for it. Gets air sick on occasion and has a few rather embarrassing stories on the topic he prefers to keep to himself. Also is a bit more aggressive and volatile then he used to be, more likely to pick a fight over the tiniest things now as a sort of defense mechanism. Paranoid and lost, a bit of a lose cannon. Occasional hallucination when he confused past and present events or people, but they aren't as frequent as they used to be. Also is slightly bipolar, and has mild schizophrenia where he hears and talks to voices in his head. This is a side affect of being without conversation for as long as he was. Romantic Relations: was married to Rin Monroe at the time of his death. Description: Stands about 6 foot, long and lean with short dark hair and a crooked smile. More of a brooding expression these days or a flat out angry one. Dark brown eyes and short hair, tanned skin, and a tribal tattoo sleeve he regrets all along one arm. Also has a tattoo of a sand dollar over his heart. Of course his new body was absent these marks when he woke up,but after escaping he got the tattoos redone in an attempt to feel more like himself. [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] except with a rifle not a pistol. [IMG][/IMG] Rifle he last was familiar with, few models behind now