[center] [h2][color=f7976a]The Cyclops[/color][/h2] [h3]A 'Shank' Is Something That Is Useless[/h3] [@Mivuli][@MissCapnCrunch][@Kei][@Jangel13] [hider=Theme Song][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSOHOMKWJEg[/youtube][/hider] [hr] Cy could feel her senses heightening. Risky job she was trying to pull off and to save her own skin no less, but it would be worth it if she could just get out of here a alive. She could hear Greenie and Slinker talking outside, but didn't really pay attention to either of their words. Not with the Cyote standing so close. Out of all of them gathered, she was wary of him the most. And it wasn't just because a certain ex-lover who had stolen her eye had been part of the Cyote pack. Nah, it was more like anyone who was a former member of that gang had to be bad news, even for that pack of flea-bitten mutts. But then again who knew what other lovely party guests the Forgotten held in their ranks? And if showing her weakness hadn't been enough for one day, another wonderfully friendly and inviting character decided to enter the already cramped pawnshop room. Her one green eye slid over to Sharp Shot and narrowed slightly. This guy irritated her more than most people usually did. Barking out orders like she was suppose to get all wide-eyed and fall at his feet like a trained pomeranian puff pup. Without moving, she scoffed at him, showing the boy just what she thought of his so called 'authority'. He was about as intimidating as the little pedigree pup he wanted to treat them all as. [color=fdc68a]"Shove it, [i]shank[/i],"[/color] she grumbled at Sharp Shot's order. She was already hurt and the pain was just pissing her off. A shotgun in this tiny place wouldn't just hit her, but it'd hit anyone around her too. Like pretty little Badger girl, standing on the other side of the trading table. Sharp Shot wasn't too bright was he? [color=fdc68a]"Badger Girl is doin' just fine without yer [i]green tooth[/i] mouth flappin',"[/color] she gritted through her teeth with a very calm and level voice, [color=fdc68a]"Both of yer customers got stuff on the table, don't they, or are ye blind?" [/color]Oh no, she was on a roll now. [color=fdc68a]"Ye must be blind, cuz even a one-eye like me can see their ain't no friggin' room fer this 'line' thing yer talking 'bout,"[/color] she sounded like her elder sister when she got into lecturing rants, [color=fdc68a]"You see anyone doin' friggin' anything but what we're suppose be doin' to in this store? Quit [i]chewin' on cat meat[/i] and eat some carrots, [i]ye wee jack-o-nip bairn[/i]." [/color] Cy had a sharp tongue, but she only used it when she was upset. Or angry. Or affectionate. Okay, maybe she wasn't the cute little flower fairy people painted girls as in old world ads, but she wasn't bad. In fact she had been a girly person once. But in the new world you had to be tough to keep yer heart pumping. Having throughly let Sharp Shot know what she thought of him and his 'jack-o-nip' (English suck-up) 'bairn' (baby) authority, turned her attention back to the business at hand. The sooner she traded, the soon she'd be out of this mad house. Little boys acting like lunatics and trigger happy two-year-olds... This is why girls should of ruled the world. Men was pretty but, God's Blood, they needed to keep their mouths shut. Looking back to the Cyote, she raised a brow, though it was hardly noticeable from behind her nice large eye-patch fashion statement. He could sigh all he liked, but odds were something her spiderweb had captured had probably affected him in the past. Cy kept a lot of info on people from all the major gangs. Mostly for her own amusement, since watching people interact normally interested her more than the arena massacres her sister and the Gamers had been into. Every now and then, someone wanted revenge on someone else, and she'd show up like their bloody fairy godmother. Or maybe more like Rumplestiltskin. Hey, hard won info was never free. A bargain was always ripe for the picking as long as you kept your... eye out. He talked all polite-like to her, making her just a bit curious as to what he wanted. And why he was being so loud about it. She was standing right there. Cy let out her own sigh, but it more in annoyance at the itchy ache in her back than anything else. Bandages and a first aid kit? Color her curious. Alright she'd bite. [color=fdc68a]"Before I go explorin' yer, er, person,"[/color] her eye drifted down the length of him before landing on the satchel he had motioned to hanging off his belt. Cheeky guy. Good thing she wasn't a shy little schoolgirl...anymore. [color=fdc68a]"What do ye want for 'em?"[/color] she mused, letting her green eye rise back to his golden Cyote gaze. [/center]