[color=plum][h3]Laurel[/h3][/color] [hr] Laurel steeled her face as she prepared for the face off her mother would undoubtedly cause. She was right when she had assumed that her mother would cause a massive catastrophe. Her father was the personality face of the family for this very reason, either he or Jasper did most if not all of the talking when it came to brokering deals, her mother loved fighting entirely too much. She always seemed to know exactly what to say to make someone angry, it was just her nature. It was past time Laurel stood up for herself either way. Her mother's gifts were not nearly as dangerous as Laurel's. "[color=plum]Mother it is high time that you learn not to anger every single person that you speak to. Suleykaar could have been a valuable associate for our family and you've absolutely ruined any possible relationship we might have been able to have with him. If you would control your tongue we might actually be able to have more business deals.[/color]" Laurel turned on her mother, her eyes flashing the brilliant yellow of her leopard. Her mother started to turn on her but Laurel stood tall, her face steeled but blood oozed from her full bottom lip as her now massive canines pierced it. "[color=slateblue]Laurel Wren Demirci don't you dare turn on me.[/color]" Her mother hissed at her but Laurel was the one on a war path now. Her melanistic spots were already beginning to show on her skin but she was cooly in control of the shift. "[color=plum]I will only do what I have to to ensure the family remains viable. If you force my hand I am more than sure Father will have no problem with my actions.[/color]" She was like the immovable Sphinx, her face was cold and vicious as she looked at her mother. It was only then that her brother Jasper stepped in, just not in the way one would expect. Jasper was a warm breath of fresh air, like that first breath of salty air when you reach the sea. He headed after Suleykaar moving to walk along side him. "[color=mediumslateblue]I know that you don't know any of us that well here but please do know that my sister is not our mother. Our mother is a Reincarnate of Sekhemt and she knows only war and bloodlust. It is her nature. My sister is actually her opposite equal. Her goddess is Bastet. Please do not allow my mother's behavior to color your views of our people or my sister. I hope that you take my words seriously. I shall leave you be.[/color]" Jasper wasn't known for being very subtle but it was something their business associates often appreciated. There was little to not like about the young man. He was several years older than Laurel but he carried the same easy grace as his little sister.