[i][b][-Accessing Republic Data Logs...-] [-Accessing Character Manifest...-] [-Accessing Republic Naval Forces...-] [-Accessing Republic Admiral Edward Millon...-][/b][/i] [h2][color=aba000][i][b]Admiral Edward Millon[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [color=aba000][b]Bio[/b][/color]: Millon was born on the the Planet Corellia, approximately 20 Years before the Clone Wars. Growing up in a spaceport, he always knew he'd do something with large ships in his life. That's why, when he was 15, he enrolled at a Naval Academy to be a Republic Naval Officer. He was one of few, during a time of peace, that would even dream of such a thing. For the next two years he studied there, graduating not at the top of his class, but was one of the most respected students upon leaving. When the Clone Wars broke out after the Battle of Geonosis, Millon was assigned as a Lt. Commander on the RBS Excalibur. Over time, though, he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming Fleet Admiral after the current one was reassigned along with Jedi General Amon Rictor. When Millon took over command of the Excalibur, Rolin took command of the 286th Assault Legion. They got along perfectly. Millon was a proactive Admiral after this, often leaving his post at the Excalibur when he wasn't needed to personally oversee supply shipments or troop movements on other cruisers. After the 286th was ambushed on Solus Niner, Millon received a transmission from Rolin saying he was returning to Coruscant for urgent matters. A few months later Millon and his fleet brought the 286th Legion back to Kamino for a mandatory health inspection. After all the troopers were cleared, they returned to their campaign in the Solus System. A few months after that, he received a transmission from Coruscant and forwarded it to CC-7501 Commander Bronze as it instructed him to. Not even an hour later, Rolin had all of his men boarded on his ships and they were headed for Coruscant. About an hour after the troopers disembarked on Coruscant, a Separatist Fleet emerged from hyperspace above Coruscant. Millon and his fleet held their ground until reinforcements arrived, winning the day. Several years later, he is much more experienced, and is making a scan of a sector of the Solus System when the Excalibur is attacked by CIS forces. They drive them off, but the Excalibur must be put in drydock for repairs. After receiving a Transmission from Masters Yoda and Windu to return Rolin to Coruscant, he attempts to return to Solus 4 but finds it blockaded by CIS forces. After escaping with severe damage to the Venator Cruiser he was aboard, Millon puts out a call for reinforcements. However, they take too long to arrive, and he decides to engage the blockade with what they had: The Excalibur, 3 Venators, and 5 Acclamators. Soon after engaging the reinforcements of the 224th Mudjumpers arrive and help drive off the blockade. After turning over the campaign in Solus to the 224th, Millon takes Rolin back to Coruscant. After this, he, along with Rolin, the 286th, and a mixmatch of other legions, lead a task force to hunt down General Grevious, Count Dooku, and Darth Sidious. [u][b][-TIMELINE INCOMPLETE-][/b][/u] [color=aba000][b]Personality[/b][/color]: While strict at times, Millon is generally lighthearted. A quick thinker and amazing naval tactician, there's been rarely a battle he hasn't won. He's a competent Naval Commander, and Bronze trusts him with his life as much as the rest of his men. [color=aba000][b]Gear[/b][/color]: Though he doesn't personally engage in hand to hand combat, he has had training with light blasters. He generally has a small pistol on him at all times in case of boarding.