[color=lightsteelblue][h3]Niall[/h3][/color] [hr] Niall sat at a table near a wall as was strategically advantageous for himself at the very least, he had a clear view of the doorway and anyone who decided to approach him. He ran his hands through his hair which he's styled with a bit of pomade. Just enough to give it some texture. By now he had nearly a full coating of facial hair, it was a typically Lycan problem and the primary reason why you rarely saw a clean shaven one. His tux was something he would rather not be wearing at all, if he'd been allowed to he would have come in just a pair of loose fitting jeans. As he munched contentedly on the tiny sandwiches he'd acquired like a wolf with a moose leg to naw on he scented around, pushing away the scent of the food he was eating so that he could smell other things. He spied easily a full breadth of creatures who were arriving very quickly and seemingly in a rush now. It was easy for him to ignore just about anything, when you lived in one of the largest packs in the world and it was filled with wild young males out to prove themselves. Always wanting to fight and brawl with everyone they had the chance to. His father's territory which would soon be his own whenever his father decided to step down covered almost the entirety of North America. They maintained all but the south western US and from there down. A young male shape-shifter was headed for him, Niall could easily distinguish him from a Lycan due to the mating mark that was visible on the side of his face. "[color=lightsteelblue]No, we have not met. It's a pleasure, my name is Niall.[/color]" Hopefully the lad would not recognize Niall's name, it wasn't a very common name but still there were others with it. He shook the hand that was offered to him, firmly but not in challenge. That wasn't what Niall was here for. Before too long Niall caught sight of something to behold. Shukura made her way towards the food table but she didn't notice Niall at first. When she did however he knew there was shit to be had about him being in a tux at a ball. When she spoke to him he nodded, "[color=lightsteelblue]I enjoy watching people bicker mostly and I'm sure if my father shows up and I'm AWOL he'd have the entire pack looking for me. Shukura, this is Joar. He's a first year. Joar, this is a family friend, Shukura. Try not to make eye contact with her, she might try and eat you.[/color]" His massive shoulders shook slightly as he chuckled, his voice was about as low as they came. So low that it was nearly a growl but anyone who'd met Niall knew he was possible the most sane unmated young male Lycan on the planet. He was the least likely to attack out of any, even possibly his own father. [@Mugin][@StoneWolf]