[b]Name:[/b] [color=silver]Bernard Alexander[/color] [b]Species:[/b] [color=silver]Purebred Vampire[/color] [b]Age:[/b][color=silver] 479[/color] [b]Appearance:[/b] [color=silver]Bernard appears to be a tall (6’1”), well-built man in his early thirties. Raven-black hair that falls around his ears and shoulders frames the typical red eyes of his kind.Coarse but closely trimmed hair covers the lower half of his face, making the visible pale skin around it stand out more. A scar creates a hairless pink line from above his right eye, across the bridge of his nose, and down to his jawline. The remainder of his features are sharp and reminiscent of predatory beasts. Preferring understated styles, Bernard usually wears dark t-shirts and similarly colored jeans. He generally wears hiking boots, as well as a black duster-style leather coat.[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=silver]Often described as ‘a bear of a man,’ Bernard makes no attempt to act otherwise. His gruff demeanor tends to get most humans to leave him alone, which is what he wants. When passionate or pissed, he tends to lose sight of caution and react violently and without hesitation. Aside from that, he is level-headed and dependable, and his outbursts are tempered from centuries of survival. Thick skin and the obstinance of a bull makes him hard to manipulate unless you push the right buttons.[/color] [b]Equipment:[/b] [color=silver]Bernard prefers to rely on his own two hands in a fight, but does carry more than that. An inside pocket of his duster carries a [url=http://www.taurususa.com/images/imagesMain/taurus-1-tau_2_441039tc.jpg]Taurus 4510PD-3SS Revolver[/url].[/color] [b]Background:[/b] [color=silver]Though both of Bernard's parents were vampires, he has no recollection of his mother. She would have died during labour because of complications during the birth, but his father, Gerald, did not allow this. Before Bernard was even completely in the world, his mother was drained of her lifeblood. His upbringing after that was harsh and centered on survival and little else. Bernard’s father was cruel, uncaring about his progeny except that he not reveal them and not get in his way. Blood stained the path they walked, and no survivors stirred in their wake. Eventually, this caused the younger vampire to turn his back on his sire and look for a better way. Turning to the then recently formed Society, he sought a new family. The rules of the Society became Bernard’s way of life, and its members his family, distant and different as they were. Free of the violent influence, he turned his attention to higher minded distractions of fine art and literature for a time, withdrawing almost completely from the world as a whole. He maintained contact with the Society and those members that were near him, but was rarely seen among humans except to feed. Even with the companionship of the Society when compared to that of his father, Bernard grew lonely over the years. Recently, in his hunger and despair, he turned a young woman who caught his eye and revealed to her the truth of her new life. For reasons unknown even to him, he has chosen not to reveal his identity to her yet.[/color] [b]Extra:[/b] [color=silver]Bernard is the vampire who turned Maxine, and is rather protective of her. Any violence directed toward her by other vampires is met in kind, though out of view of the public.[/color]