[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jdv091V.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjZiYzNmZi5VbWx1YVNCTmIzSnBibUZuWVEsLC4w/ropa-sans.regular.png[/img] [@KillBox] Rini had a relaxing sleep for a small time, but then she felt a small bump as her eyes opened slightly, signalling that she was starting to wake up. She then looked up to see a boy with red hair and yellow eyes, who had seemed to have a worried expression on his face, he was apologizing to Rini as well. Rini just stared at Kyoichi with a blank expression on her face, her scarf covering her mouth, trying to read the current situation that she was in. Rini then shook her head at him, to say that it was fine, she wasn't bothered. Besides she needed to wake up to go to class. [color=6ecff6]"...I'm not mad..."[/color] Rini said with a soft voice as she got up from the ground, saying it through her scarf before realizing that the rest of the school had left the hall. She then looked outside then back to Kyoichi, signalling that they should head to class to not get a detention on the first day. [color=6ecff6]"Class."[/color] Rini said as she walked towards the door, then looking back at Kyoichi waiting for him. [img]http://i.imgur.com/UJ7jYQK.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZmNjY2Yi5VMmx0YjI0Z1RXOXlhVzVoWjJFLC4w/ropa-sans.regular.png[/img] The screams around Simon had started to become even louder, but then he realized that some of the students were heading to class, he thought that it was time that him and the rest of the girls should as well. [color=ed1c24]"Ladies, it's best that we separate our ways. As we need to head to class."[/color] Simon said to them, getting mixed reactions from them as he walked away. He got some people following him, but it didn't mind him at all, he started to walk up the stairs to the first year floor. He was searching for his classroom, he then stopped at a certain one with the door open, then looked up at the sign of what the classroom was called. [color=ed1c24]"Here we go."[/color] Simon said as he walked around to navigate to his seat, which was at the very back with the second seat from the window. He sat down in his seat to notice that people were still following him and trying to talk to him. He had answered them truthfully and elegantly, what a real man would do for a lady. He continually gave them winks, making them squeal many times. [/center]