[@Aintitfun1997] Justine shouldered her backpack as well and met Krystyn at the door. She looked down at the ground, holding back tears and said in a low voice, [i][color=B0E0E6] I have no idea. I hope she has been smart enough to stay undetected and hook up with some others so she isn't alone. Maybe shes been looking for me too but that's the BEST case scenario and I doubt that is what's happening." [/color][/i] Justine gently pushed past Krystyn to get a look out onto the street through the dirty glass of the door. She didn't see any walkers but that didn't mean there weren't any out there. She really hoped they weren't smart enough to hide and ambush. She had read books about those kind of zombies and they aren't fun. She turned back to Krystyn with a worried look on her face and said [i][color=B0E0E6] You're the tougher one here, that's obvious. Lead the way?" [/color][/i]