He hadn't originally planned to become a babysitter. No, the young ronin had pretty clear-cut plans for the upcoming month. He had heard of a rather...illegal arena championship going on within the Fire Nation's borders, underground and hidden away from any and all legal trouble that the arena could have possibly ran into. How he got this information? Well...shady alleys and seedy bars spoke rather loudly if you were quiet and anonymous, both qualities in which the black-haired samurai had in absolute spades. He had plans on venturing on over to the championship before it began, and cutting a swathe through any and all opposition before they knew what hit them, garnering him the funds that he could then transfer over to his old village, which was now a, surprisingly, flourishing settlement on the edge of the Earth Kingdom. Let it be known that he was not a heartless man - rather, he was simply a man that occasionally gave back to the place that both saved his life, and, technically, ended it. Now, however? His plans were pretty decimated, considering he was somehow persuaded into teaching a girl how to hold a weapon. And, not just any girl. A bending girl. Not just any bending girl, either. The Avatar bending girl. He had been cornered when drinking some saki within one of the Fire Nation's Capital. It was his fault - he had not expected for the squad of soldiers to completely forebade any chances of him leaving without cutting off their heads. Even worse, they said his name - his true name, in front of everyone and Gods' know who else, and officially requested his presence in the Chief's office. Long story short? His former village would now be watched over from the constant outward threats of bandits and terrorists, in exchange for his service to the Avatar. As she introduced herself, the ronin stayed silent, his strawhat shadowing his face completely, his ensemble leaving him otherwise covered, other than his chest, which was recently bandaged, along with his hands, which stayed hidden within the folds of his sleeves. Only his name, 'Feng Shei' was uttered to the woman, and after all was said and done, and the woman began to make her way to the ship, he slipped away. Years of stealth and agility training allowed him to get onto the boat and find himself a nice perch away from any chaos within only a few seconds, and from his dark corner in the top of the ship's deck. He sat in a cross-legged position, Tsukihime resting on his lap, as Feng observed everyone else from underneath the rim of his strawhat. Only when Terra fell, did his face twitch from it's apathetic mask, the ronin holding back a sigh. This would be a long boat ride.