[quote=@DrewVonAwesome] WIP, but I always enjoyed this character so any excuse to bring him back to the land of the RP living... [hider=Plastic Man] [img]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag476/drewvonawesome/plasII_zpsprmy3rht.png~original[/img] | Identity | Luke O'Brian – Plastic Man | Origin & Backstory | Luke grew up the only child of Charles O'Brian and his wife Cheryl, Charles being the extremely wealthy owner of O'Brian Chemical Inc. One of the top chemical producing companies in the world. Luke's parents stayed together until he was six, when they broke up in a very ugly divorce that saw Luke's father get complete custody. Growing up Luke had a very privileged, but sheltered life, he never went to any school that wasn't high class and private. Leaving Luke with plenty of money but not many friends, and his father getting onto him for it constantly. One day as Luke was at his dad's main factory. The factory came under attack in a terrorist attack. Luke was held hostage until a stray shot hit him in the shoulder. Causing him to falling over the railing and into a vat of chemicals. When Luke's father found out what had happened, he came to an ingenious idea, after chastising Luke heavily for letting himself get into danger. For the next year Charles did everything he could to train his son to become a superhero, having Luke train in all sorts of different fighting styles, and with any elastic heroes he could pay. Finally having a very high quality suit made that would work with Luke's powers perfectly. When Charles debuted his son to the public, Luke ended up having a panic attack during the public ceremony. Hyperventilating enough that he ended up inflating himself big enough to knock everyone off the platform. Sadly things never got better for the young hero. Luke had no confidence in himself, and constantly screwed up. The cops more than once finding a tangled up mess. As his company's stocks tanked from the horrible publicity. Luke's father finally one night unloaded on Luke. Screaming at him about how he was a failure, and how he ruined everything. Kicked out of the home and disowned by his father. Luke survived miserable on the money he had saved. Although he had saved up plenty to be able to get away from his father when he turned 18, he was still incredibly unprepared for life being a superhero loser with no one to turn to. | Attributes | With a completely pliable body Luke can stretch his body in numerous ways only hindered by his imagination. Stretching, forming, shrinking, growing, reforming, inflating, flattening, Luke can perform countless feats. Even able to mold his body into much more complex shapes and forms. Also because of his body's new condition mind control is impossible to do to him, or reading his mind in general. If Luke turns into anything he will always still show up as his uniform and skin tone. Plus hot and cold temperatures will effect him as well as any high frequency vibrations sent into his body. | Character Notes | | Character Goals | Give me an idea on what you plan on doing with the character in the game. | Sample Post | Please post a sample post. It does not have to be overly long, I just want an example of your writing. [img]http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag476/drewvonawesome/PlasticManII_zpstut9eetl.png[/img] [/hider] [/quote] Luckily I was just about to say 'go ahead and take Plastic Man, I have other ideas' XD