[center][h2]Richard Fowl[/h2][/center] [sup][center][@Spoopy Scary][/center][/sup] Richard has always proved that his exceptional display of observation was something to be regarded above others. Never in the years of his academic prosperity showed a lackluster manifestation of his skills and talents let alone failure to attain notable achievements. It was either learn and be better or fail and become no one. The latter was somehow, a concept he more often embraced than the former as his pessimism was the sole foundation of his strengths. A paradox as it seemed, but it gave him a great deal of accomplishments the more he became drawn to it. It cemented a transparency towards realism, ushering a snippet of his conviction from the falseness everyone kept on clinging. There were times when it plunged him into a looping contradiction, unknowing that this [i]quality[/i] alone could be one unyielding disadvantage. So much for observation skills, this wasn't the finest of his demonstrations. Richard felt the strains of his embarrassment flushing within his pale and frosty skin. Following a sudden suspicion kept him from blaming anything other than his unawareness and as well, cornered him to a near dead end where his pretentious reasoning deemed far from saving his wits. Even so, the serene eloquence lacing within the bounds of the blonde's cadence was enough to bring Richard back in his own comfort. The girl may sounded curiously nettled but seeing her that way only lifted Richard's uncanny confidence. "Excuse my unawareness, dear lovely damsel." He paused both his words and his tracks as he carefully patched his phlegmatic composure. "I believe my sense of direction is rather frail against this vast and interwoven maze. Plus, the continual, bone-chilling downpour has partly drowned my mind into an insidious coil." [i]Idiot! That's because you're wearing a sweatshirt.[/i] None could've contradicted himself more than the impudent howls of his thoughts. Richard cleared his throat, an attempt he'd often make just to buy time for his mind to develop the appropriate words. Apparently, he felt it was far from being out of his control. With years spent on speaking publicly from scholastic competitions, improvising was but a matter of an effortless endeavor. "Invading your privacy is far from being an intention of mine. I've spent the entirety of my youth presenting an unbiased practice of respect and there wasn't a single day I've recalled to employ any barbaric means to get one's attention. I sympathize with one's opinion and I would [i]never[/i] pillage them." If he could've smirked anytime, he would've gladly did it. However, the charisma he was trying to portray held him back. Perhaps it would be best to express it once the blonde would turn to her blind side. "I apologize once more. I admit it is a fault of mine for not mustering my composure and it's outright pitiful of me to take the blame on a lifeless being such as this weather. Perhaps if there's anything I can do to deserve your forgiveness, I would definitely grant it with all of my nobility." With that, Richard strove to lift yet another smile, gesturing a distinctive nod to project what his words pertained.