WIP [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/c/cc/G'Nort_004.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110619023905[/img][/center] | Identity | G'Nort/Green Lantern | Origin & Backstory | G | Attributes | Green Lantern Power ring: G'Nort posesses a Green Lantern power ring that grants him the ability to make hard light construct through the use of will power. The ring also produces a field of green energy, which protect the wearer from the deadliness of space as well help shield the user from powerful attacks. | Character Notes | Is there anything you want to elaborate on? Extra lore for the city you call home? Notable NPCs? Basically this is for people who want their application to be more of a compendium for their NPCs, Locations, and Rogues specific to this new continuity. Optional. | Character Goals | Give me an idea on what you plan on doing with the character in the game. | Sample Post | Please post a sample post. It does not have to be overly long, I just want an example of your writing.