[center][h3][color=wheat]Lahe Hakorsi[/color][/h3]Airbender[/center] [color=olive]"Hello, everyone. I am Avatar Terra..."[/color] Lahe, standing with one hand on her airbender staff which rests on the ground at one end, looks over towards the source of the voice. The tone of voice alone was interesting to her, and not in the good sort of way: when she had envisioned being an air nomad envoy to the Avatar herself, she pictured working with.. well, someone not resentment of a schoolgirl. Lahe looked over the Avatar's features as she continued to speak, her eyes flicking up and down but her head remaining still. She suppressed the urge to sigh - she could only begin to imagine what's to follow in this 'great journey' with a personality like this as the avatar. [color=olive]"...respective area of expertise."[/color] As the Avatar smiled towards Tahe, Tahe nodded to show acknowledgement and respect instead. Come the handshake, Tahe took the hand intently with her spare hand and gave a firm shake. [color=wheat]"Lahe Hakorsi from the Eastern Air Temple, delegate of the Air Nomads. I look forward to working with you."[/color] Lahe idly adjusted her grip on her staff as Terra continued on with the meet-and-greets. [color=olive]"So, shall we begin our journey?"[/color] promoted Avatar Terra, as she went about leading the way. Lahe quietly followed in suite, having nothing to add. Over the walk to the boat she intently looked over the other delegates, plus the two extras: the chi-blocker and the weapons master, in order to size up the crew. Lee Shen, who appeared to be the Fire Nation delegate, struck her goofy but reliable - she made a note of talking to him later and making herself acquainted. Ling Feng struck her as a little odd and out of place - she didn't quite know what to make of him, but feels a little wary. Ming Xiu didn't strike her as anything really - she seemed like any other person at a glance, albeit odd carrying an axe around, which made her a little wary. Tai Song struck her particularly well - he seemed reliable and dedicated at a glance, defiantly someone hardened who wouldn't succumb to big cuddly animals. Lastly, Feng Shei... Whilst she did value a no-nonsense approach, Feng Shei struck her as excessively no-nonsense, and as something of a bother. She let out a quiet sigh to herself. She knew she should be making friends with these people and not judging them - she'd be with them for a while, after all. For now, she decided to just start with the fire delegate and the earth delegate. She boarded the ship quietly, stowed her gear quietly and moved back up to the deck quietly, staff in tow the whole way. Without anybody to really wave to that she knew, she moved to the bow of the ship and sat quietly at the head, folding her legs on top of one another with help from her hands and setting her staff in front of her. She decided to meditate until the boat reached the high seas - she'd take the time to gather her thoughts on the party and establish an approach, then go about meeting the other party members more thoroughly.