[i][u]-Darcyn-[/u][/i] As the odd man approached him, Darcyn gave a hoot of laughter. "Make it worth, my while an' I'll tell you!" He waved the mug under the man's nose. "Whot a mun like yen need wiv' a group of Orc Hunters? Some nasty snatch up yer farm wife?" Several other of the men chuckled at Darcyn's comments. Darcyn merely smirked secure in his own superiority, never minding how right or wrong it was. This was just a poor fool, probably offering turnips for payment. If his wife was nabbed? It wasn't Darcyn's problem, the man did not seem to be able to make it worth his while. Then again, a twisted sort of thought entered the man's mind. "I've got sum'thing fer yen though. Can yen fight laddie?" If this man wanted something, Darcyn could well recruit him! Build up a group of Orc Hunters to follow him! What a clever idea his ale ridden mind could produce! He was patting himself on the back mentally for this. [i][u]-Selwyn-[/u][/i] The cloaked figure watched the tavern, glad someone had shut up the brawdy man. If they hadn't she had been tempted to swat him upside the head and make him stay down. Perhaps for life even. The rain pounded outside as she listened to the news. A nearby Orc attack, a thief had been in town, more rain was on the way. Her lip curled with annoyance. The Orcish attack was of little value of her, and the rest of what she picked up was less so. As she kept listening she only grew more disgusted with the noise and stench that the race of Man gave off. She would leave once things calmed. The rain was still festering outside and she was far more interested in a excuse to beat the life out of someone. Selwyn mussed, she was not bad tempered typically but she had little to no good news and even fewer good days. The shorter lived races grew too bold. Too brazen as they moved further into Orc and Uruk-hai territories. Her lands, and the lands of her Dark Lord. It was insulting, but it was not time yet for a full attack, first she would awaken Melkor then perhaps other dark forces. Once that was done... She banished the thought, it was not time for it. It was time to focus on the bright light and noise menfolk.