[b]Name[/b]: Ares [b]Age[/b]: N/A [b]Race[/b]: Warforged As eons pass, stone, steel and man will wither and fade from existence, bound by the law eternal entropy. Alas, memory is no exception to that rule. Not much remains in the old machine’s mind of the times long forgotten, but glimpses and flashes, and faces long gone. Before the Grey Tide, before Fallion, in times withered and gone him and his kind stood guard. Perhaps he was human once? A warrior that fell and was brought back as a machine? None are alive to answer that question. Only a word etched into his arm: Ares. So that was to be his name. He remembers battles, the rush of air as his comrades and he formed the tip of the spear – clearing the way for their mortal allies. He remembers great victories filled with glory and the weight of corpses on his back he carried home from devastating losses. But most of all he remembers his town. Ah yes, the town he guarded from the high steps of the Precept’s academy. The smiling faces of children that would dance about him as he would tell the stories of his long adventures. Their laughter as he easily lifted them into the air. Yes, what better way to retire than as guard in a small, peaceful town? He was telling them a story of how he once fell off a ship and had to walk along the bottom to the shore, when the Precept called him inside. Some maintenance had to be done on the old joints. Kids tugged at him, pleading to continue the tale, but Precept’s orders are absolute. He remembers promising them to continue tomorrow, and then heading inside. And then he remembers waking up… alone, in a ruin, surrounded by thieves. A thousand years had passed. What was this place? Who were these men? The Precept? The kids?... Were these memories real? Were they truly his? Only one way to answer that - he had to continue his tale… [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Picture] [img]http://img12.deviantart.net/b9e8/i/2012/064/7/e/wip__warforged_warden_dnd_by_dreamflux1-d4rubmz.jpg[/img] [/hider] Ares is a 7ft tall 600 pound metal humanoid, built of steel, stone and materials beyond his knowledge. He once wore the garbs of an ancient city guard, but they turned to dust the moment he started moving. The only things he has with himself are those he took from the thieves that woke him: An old dusty cloak, a blacksmith’s hammer, a rusty sword broken in half and a shattered lantern filled with oil. [b]Personality:[/b] Ares might not remember who he was, but he is a warrior through and through. His outlook on life is seemingly naïve by Fallion standards: Evil never prevails for Justice and Honour will be his sword and shield to protect the innocent. He will not allow injustice to pass in any form and will leap into danger to save the innocent without a single moment’s hesitation, often falling prey to tricks and being taken advantage of by less than scrupulous individuals. He is a man of few words and tends to speak in slightly disjointed sentences, perhaps due to the damage to his memory; however that doesn’t mean he won’t join in an attempt to sing a cheerful song to raise the spirits of those around him. Even if he will most likely fail at it spectacularly. His dedication and determination are beyond words, though it must be said – so is his stubbornness. Ares is decidedly a man of a different era but, perhaps, that is exactly what these dark times need the most. [b]Skills:[/b] Being a warforged comes with its own benefits: Ares is virtually invulnerable to light physical damage such as daggers, slashing strikes from swords or arrows. However a skilled swordsman or archer could exploit the gaps in his natural armour to deal massive damage or disable him. Heavy blows from blunt weapons can still break his limbs however, and armour piercing weapons such as crossbows and spiked mauls will punch through his metal skin, with the exception of his skull. He has two crystals inside him – one in his chest and one in his head. Destroying the chest crystal will render him immobile – while destroying the one in his head will kill him for good. Thankfully a solid steel skull makes that a difficult task to achieve. As a warforged he cannot be healed, and any injuries dealt to him must be repaired by a highly skilled blacksmith, which could prove to be troublesome in the world of Fallion. Furthermore he is very vulnerable to elemental magic, electricity in particular will knock him out almost instantly. As a veteran frontline warrior with the strength of a tank he is an extremely formidable close quarters fighter, particularly adept at using a warhammer and shield. However Warforged’s three clumsy fingers make feats of dexterity next to impossible – as such even tasks like shooting a bow or throwing a knife are beyond him. He’s an exclusively close combat fighter so your best bet would be to fight him from a distance. Plus his metal constitution and extreme weight make shoddy bridges and water his natural enemies.