Copen was a little overjoyed when the girl was receptive to his advance. He was an excitable fellow, and new friends were no reason for sombreness. He peered at the photos on the small screen, cupping his hand around it so that they were more clear. She was pretty good at it, he supposed - but he didn't know that much about photograph, to be honest. He straightened, nodding at her explanation. The boy flashed his signature grin, voice a little louder than most people's. "Ah, ja? I like your photos!" he said. "They are good. It's nice to meet you, Wendy. I am Copen." Instinctively, he started to offer his hand to her as he'd been brought up to do - but then hesitated. Guys at least tried to return a firm handshake. Girls probably wouldn't expect such a strong grip. He awkwardly closed his hand into a fist, putting it back by his side. "I came here by myself," he continued, feeling a little guilty about being so rude. A sudden retching caught his attention. His expression changing to that of curiosity and concern, he peered around Wendy and toward the figure - a boy, seemingly Mexican or something. He wasn't looking too great. Copen had a soft heart, and he frowned as he took a step forward. "Hey, are you okay? I can help you back inside, or call somebody..." [@Heathen] [@Mr Allen J]