Max waited till John was done speaking to add in his two cents. "What John says is true. There may not be much information on Golems, but I do know my dad had one. At least my mom tells me he had a Clay Golem from the desert. I've yet to encounter one, but my mom says it was a hulking creature, with pure strength and strong defense. If this is a Stone Golem, it's going to be a huge asset. Now the other thing I've mentioned is the mountains might have a magic lock sealing the entrance. I've dealt with a few magic seals and they can be tricky. Sometimes its simple and easy in which we can remove the lock with little trouble. Other times, such as when I needed to open a door the basement of a dungeon on one occasion, it proved an elaborate puzzle and took me some time. Though I think we can handle it." He stopped speaking for a moment and looked as if he was trying to think of something, when his tablet buzzed. Max picked it up and looked at the screen. There was a message from the seeker network. He turned back to the group. "Guys, we need to get a move on. Seems the organization caught wind of the soul in the mountains and are on the way. we gotta move fast and get there before they do so we can secure it. So lets gather our amulets and any other supplies and head out."