From a stool that was pulled up to the bar, a young lady sat with several sorts of beverages in front of her. Most of the glasses were empty or close to being so. She looked through her dull purple bangs as she watched the machination with sentience take note of the poster plea. She squinted at it as it moved back to the corner of the room to have its oil. She pushed her bangs to the side by blowing air past her lips and up at her face, revealing her male cheeks reddened by the entire evening of drinking. Lifting mug to lips, she downed the rest of her last bit of booze and dropped her hand quickly so that the mug banged loudly with a slight ring. This caused the rest of the tavern, who seemed to know her well and were still awake and sober enough, to turn towards her as she got up. Moving over to the machine, she put her foot up against a table hear him and leaned into it and looked directly at him. "You.. You think that you are going to... -hic-, save a princess huh? You look so clumsy that you could trip over the air or... -hic-, a rainbow." She snickered a bit, eying him closely. "Whater you anyhuway..?" Her eyes seemed a bit glazed over, but they had a bright yellow glow to them which seemed to try to stare into the machination's soul. "Are you like.. One of those ogre things?" "Hey!" An ogre got up, shaking a fist in the air from a few tables away. "Tha's a bit rude, yeah?" He interrupted her with a very civilized accent. She squinted at the machine still, taking a glass from the table her foot was against and threw it behind her, hitting the ogre on the head and breaking against his skull, which simply caused him to grumble and sit back down. Turning back to him. "So.. what... er.. what are you?"