The knight looked at the the person speaking to him. He walked over to her and gave her a once over. "What do you think I am, miss? Can't you tell I'm a knight. Do I look that odd to you?" As he said that he turned back to his oil and finished the last joint in his leg. No one had ever questioned him before at least not to his knowledge, but he didn't have much in the way of smarts though. He turned back and faced the girl. " For your information, I will save the princess. That is what us knights do isn't it? We save people and be heroes right?" The way he said or rather asked those questions came with a tone as if he wasn't exactly sure because he really wasn't too sure to be quite honest. He just assumed and tried to play the part. thinking he was a great knight in high regards. The knight didn't wait for her to answer. He began to speak again. "So what about you miss? Who are you and what are you doing?