[h3][Color=2E8B57]Chloe Knight[/Color][/h3] "You look cold, yeah? Go ahead, wear it for now. Just... be careful with it." Chloe actually felt slightly overwhelmed by the offer. She knew it was stupid, after all he was just offering his coat to a cold looking girl. Still, it had taken all afternoon to get nice and toasty after arriving in this frozen wasteland and the ice powered girl had ruined it. She wasn't mad at her or anything but at the time it was just so frustrating it almost made her want to cry. She thought it was probably difficult for others to appreciate how hard it is to get comfortable when you couldn't control your own temperature without outside help. Coats and jumpers were useless since she didn't produce any heat for them to trap and her bed had been freezing every night until her parents had got her the electric blankets. As a result she had become quite used to the feeling of her body slowing down and becoming numb with cold, though being used to it didn't make it any more pleasant, in- She was spacing out again. Acting fast as to not lose any more of the precious body heat left on the coat, Chloe reached out and gently pulled the valuable looking coat on. It was far to large for her, but the feeling of the warmth was worth its weight in gold. "Thank you, really. I can't warm up properly unless I get the heat from somewhere else, so coats usually don't help me" Chloe's expression was thankful, but soon a wry smile appeared "One of the many joys of having snake themed powers" [@spoopy scary]