Watching him turn and read the Wanted poster, she tapped her foot waiting a little bit impatient. When she heard the words 'They did a good job, whoever drew that', she clenched her sharp teeth and closed her fist. Her fist shook in rage, as fire began to lick around the bandages wrapped around her hand, fingers and all the way up her arms under her cloak. But her anger quickly subsided once she heard him agree to team up and the fire went out immediately. "GP...S..?" She didn't understand his terminology, but started to answer his question. "I think its two kingdoms ove..." She was cut off by the acknowledgement of his name and then saw him slump over. "Well, I'll just call you Slumpy... Oh no! I got it! There was once a Knight that protected this Princess and they lived it... I can't remember where. Her name was.." she hiccuped "Well.. I forgot that too..." She scratched her black hair again right at were the purple blended into her bangs. "Oh forget it. His name was Steiner.. So thats what I think I should call you. Steiner! So don't get all... blubbery.. Get up Mr, Steiner..." She ended her naming process with another hiccup.